Day 8: Squared Logs

This is Day Eight of Thirty Days of Logos, in which I share a new logo idea for my design studio, Wildfire Studios, every day for 30 days.

This logo was meant to look like a couple of logs at the base of a fighter. I spent a few minutes on it, added a pink background to look youthful and modern, and fired it off to a friend later that evening. He bluntly told me this was pretty bad and not an option for my logo.

The reasons are simple, but at the end of the day, it doesn't tell any sort of interesting story about who I am or what I do. In the context of telling a story, the logo's idiotic. Not to mention everybody says it looks like a shoe company's logo. (I've tried and can't find the logo it's similar to, but it's striking a chord.)

With that in mind, the challenge from here on out became to understand my story and tell my story with a logo. The story this tells is laziness. It's also extremely youthful-looking. That's not to say it's bad as a mark, or some sort of symbol, but I think it's bad as a brand logo.

What do you folks think? Any insight you'd like to offer?

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