Vizard Rebrand

Working with Vizard was pure ✨magic.✨

Vizard is a web-based solution for video content repurposing. They aim to help content marketers fully utilize what they have on hand, create stunning content at scale and reach more audiences.

It's no surprise that video con­tent is a key pil­lar to suc­cess­ful con­tent mar­ket­ing strate­gies, but tra­di­tion­al video edit­ing soft­ware has a steep learn­ing curve and high price tag. With a target audience of non-pro­fes­sion­al video edi­tors, Vizard has to feel effort­less for the time-strapped con­tent mar­keters and social media man­agers try­ing to get a time­ly Reel pro­duced and pub­lished. Appro­pri­ate­ly, the Vizard team iden­ti­fied their brand attrib­ut­es as Effort­less, Trans­for­ma­tive, and Essential. 

From there, we arrived at their Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (SMIT): Enchant­i­ng­ly Intel­li­gent. The new Vizard brand need­ed to cap­ture that sense of mag­ic when a tech­nol­o­gy works effortlessly.

Want to get the full scoop on our work with Vizard? Head to the case study. 👇


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