Climate action - mobile app

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Hello dribbblers, this mobile app is for users who wants to volunteer for the Nature🌼

The shot displays a mobile app. Here you can see 👇

👀 a card that shows an example of how you can join as a volunteer for different causes

🌐 an Explore button

detailed cards for each cause with a what you can do? button to understand what is going on with our beloved Nature

🌍 an option for user to subscribe

🌸 The app is made minimal so that user can on focus only on the issues we are facing in the form of Climate change.

The only colors the app contain are through vivid images of Nature 🔥

Typography Corner✍️


The letterforms are neither too mechanical nor too calligraphic, which works well for both text and display purposes.


The geometric elements convey a sense of order and structure, aligning with the importance and urgency of addressing climate change.

Simultaneously, the humanist touch adds a relatable and approachable quality, fostering a connection with users.❤️

What do you think? Tell me in the comments ➡️

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