UI Components - Micro-Animations | Dashboard Interaction

Project Description:

This project showcases my ability to create micro-animations for data charts, which are often used in dashboards. Micro-animations are subtle animations that improve user experience and offer joy, direction, and feedback. Data charts are visual representations of data that help users to understand and analyze information.


Some of the challenges I faced creating this micro-animating prototype are;

1) Figma prototype can be buggy. It looks perfect on my end but it may not look the way I intended it to be on others devices.

2) Smart Animate which animates changes between frames based on layer structure and properties doesn't offer seamless transition most of the time. Thus, there's some workarounds to create these animations.

3) Animating motion can be challenging choosing between options such as ease in and out, linear, gentle etc. Playing with each animation style and finding the suitable one to give the best realistic animation to make them look smooth and natural.

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