Marvel Unlimited concept: Crossover event filters

I find reading comics from crossover events in the Marvel Unlimited app to be more difficult than it should be. The app is very simplistic with its presentation of comics in the 'Continue Reading' section: it sorts comics by their 'most recently read' date. This makes reading a crossover event (a story spanning multiple different comic series) a frustrating experience: you never know which issues are part of an event and reading an issue from a series you otherwise don't follow clogs up the 'Continue Reading' section.

My design offers several improvements for this use case by adding some convenient filters.

Issues filter

  • The 'All' issues filter behaves like the current default behaviour of sorting comics by most recently read' date.

  • The 'Standalone' filter specifically shows the series that you're reading which are not linked to a crossover event.

Events filter

The Events filter shows all the crossover events you're currently reading. Selecting an event will show all the issues from different series you need to read before the next 'crossover point'. This next crossover comic is the one shown on the right and is styled as a sort of 'goal' to work towards. Progress indicators are shown to keep a clear overview of how far along in the story you are.

More by Jasper D'haene

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