D'art — Binar Academy with Kampus Merdeka

D'art — A platform that supports buying and selling works of art.

Problem — We identified that during the pandemic, art lovers were less able to explore and enjoy their hobbies in the field of art. They experience difficulties when buying works of art, taking part in exhibitions, or attending online auctions.

Solution — Create an platform that can support buying and selling of works of art, online exhibitions, and online auctions.


  • Me/Muhammad Luthfi A.

    — UI Designer

  • Muhammad Ihsannuroihan — UI Designer

  • Ahmad Noval — UX Researcher

  • Krisnanti Meylian P. A. — UX Researcher

  • Muhammad Satria P. T. — UX Researcher

  • Fecilia Natali

    F. — Product Manager

  • Ganesha Alviandi R. — Product Manager

  • Surahmi Salsabila L. — Product Manager


  • 2 months of work

  • Start of the project — 05/2022

My Role:

  • Information Architecture

  • Lo—Fi Design

  • Wireframe

  • UI Design

  • Interaction Design

  • Prototype

  • User Testing

Thank you for reading and going through the showcase! If you have any feedback, I'd definitely love to hear it!💜💜

Posted on Nov 2, 2023

More by Muhammad Luthfi Ariyandi

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