Pointy: NFC habit tracker

PointyHabit is the first insightful habit tracker. This is a brand that inspires people to take small but meaningful steps to improve themselves and their lives. We emphasize the importance of the quality of the “small decisions” made every day. Our approach is based on the principles of stoicism, minimalism and the analogy of black and white, where there is no good and bad, but what it is, and that any movement, any point consistent with the goal moves you towards its realization.

Brand mission

Becoming a true friend to man by integrating the convenience of modern NFC technology with the sense of understanding and humanity that is reflected in our methodology makes our application much more valuable. It automatically stands out from many similar ones because it is not just an ordinary tracker where you need to go in and mark the completion.

We not only automate the tracking process, but also support the user even if he forgets to perform the habit. We remind you that this is also an important part of the journey, and that the person copes well despite moments of forgetfulness. This exceptional combination of technology and humanity makes our application unique.

Philosophy: reverse approach

A unique feature of the PointyHabit methodology approach is to eliminate the boundaries between the fulfillment and non-fulfillment of habits. Now you don't need to log in and mark your progress manually. Just wave your phone, and with the help of NFC technology, the habit is automatically fixed as completed. We not only remove the barriers between fulfillment and non-fulfillment, but also remove the feeling of "pressure" and "obligation". If you don't want to follow a habit today, that's your choice, but remember that by focusing on instant gratification, you often create short-term solutions that can lead to long-term problems.

We stop artificially motivating you and encourage you to write your own script. Every great story begins with a dot, but it's up to you to set it yourself. Thus, we support you with understanding and empathy in case of constant disruptions of habit marathons, and we say that even an empty circle is also a point, it is also your way to the goal. The main thing is not to stop if the pencil has stopped writing. Take a new one and continue writing your story further.

How it works ?

Pointy contains 2 revolutionary solutions that change the rules of the game in the habit tracker market. The application reflects two main differences. The PointyThink method involves the creation and step-by-step integration of a habit.

In symbiosis with NFC technologies, a person no longer needs to go into the application and mark that he has completed the habit; he only needs to stick our proprietary NFC tag at the place where the ritual is performed (where he performs the habit), and after completing the habit, touch the tag with his phone and he will lightning fast, in the background it will mark the habit as completed, so you don’t even need to enter the application, everything happens automatically

PointyThink method

The PointyThink methodology combines two key factors:

1) A person should not make big changes at once, but through the correct setting of goals, he determines his PointyDot (a small regular minor change) and integrates it into life.

2) A person makes changes out of self-love. The basis of the application's approach lies in the fact that even an empty point (an unfulfilled habit) is also part of the transformation and the way to create a better version of yourself.

By launching a proper internal dialogue with oneself, which is helped by tips from the application, a person does not hate himself because of a missed habit day, he analyzes the situation and moves on, getting new results every day. The concept implies that life is a constant process, so even inaction with the right viewing angle is a step towards the goal.

NFC tag as a fulcrum

As Archimedes said: give me a point of support and I will change the whole world. You can't change the world right now, but you can easily change your life. A sharp habit is your fulcrum in the dynamics of the modern world. By building yourself up little by little, just by doing it every day, you will eventually make a transformation.

Main brand metaphor

The whole concept of the brand is built around one familiar element. The simplest graphic image of the existing ones is a dot. This is a graphic element, so simple at first glance, but behind it there is a solid framework of the concept that creates phenominal transformations.

PointyDot is a small, imperceptible change. The whole concept of the application is based on the 0.01% philosophy, which states that if we change every day, at least one hundredth of a percent from the current moment of change (compound interest), then in a year we will be 37.8 times better than we are now.

The graphical visualization of a point gives enormous room for maneuver, thereby continuing the main metaphor that a point set today turns into a line tomorrow, and after that into a new story.

The graphical visualization of a point gives enormous room for maneuver, thereby continuing the main metaphor that a point set today turns into a line tomorrow, and after that into a new story.

Dynamic logo

The logo is a dynamic form that reflects the process of symbiosis and the transition of two minor habits into a big change. It is the synergy displayed in the Pointy method process that creates lasting changes in a person's life. In the static version, the logo reflects the final stage of the synergistic union of two minor actions

External branding

A series of banners for outdoor advertising of the application was also developed. Its peculiarity is that it had to be located exclusively in the metro, because there is a lot of traffic there and people each think about their own things, and when caught in the eye, the banner was supposed to awaken a person from their waking sleep. All the posters in the subway had a single story and continued each other. There were also posters that were placed on large banners in the city, and now they reflected the main points, one of which was: there is nothing easier than making a dot, which meant that small insignificant changes every day, like dots, will create a line in the future and then a new story

Pointy: NFC habit tracker

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