PRELOADER: Loading page or Preloading screen

You definitely know what a Preloader is, you don’t? Great, please press the power button on your phone or computer and enjoy watching a Preloader at work, laughing emoji, pardon me.

For the demands of today's fast paced society which deems sacrifice for anything like website page load time to video streaming or app launch time unacceptable, Preloaders come in very handy.

Preloaders are visible signals, marks, or designs that appear in motion, letting users know that an app or website is not frozen or crashed. They come in the form of a spinning wheel, a progress bar, a loading animation, or any other visual element that conveys the idea of waiting or loading.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder

Preloaders are used for several purposes not limiting to these:

1. Preloaders help improve user experience by informing & helping users understand that an application is loading or processing data, which reduces frustration and confusion.

2. Preloaders help reduce bounce rate by informing users that the page or app is still active because consumers are more likely to abandon and seek alternative solutions when they encounter slow-loading programmes.

3. Preloaders provide proper functionality and accessibility by giving enough time to applications to load the necessary assets and resources, also providing slow internet users the opportunity to wait for the page to load full.

To design a Preloader that would achieve the desired result, you should follow some of these best practices.

1. Keep it simple.

2. Appropriate timing must be employed (its must not be too long or short).

3. It must stay consistent through the app or website to avoid confusion.

4. Make it good and a little bit fun to look at.

In summary, because they help to provide a more enjoyable and positive user experience, lower bounce rates, improve brand perception, guarantee proper functionality, and enable accessibility for all users,


It is of utmost importance that web developers and designers incorporate Preloaders in their projects

Inumimo Idowu
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