Case Study-FortKnox | Secure Chat App

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About Fortknox

Fortknox is the ultimate secure chat and messaging application, designed to provide you with the highest level of protection and privacy. With AES-256-Bit encryption, you can chat with confidence, knowing that your messages are for your eyes only. Our premium features elevate your messaging experience, offering you a range of tools and enhancements to make your communication seamless and enjoyable.


Users of traditional chat applications face challenges related to convenience and speed of communication, but often compromise on their privacy and the security of their sensitive information. These users may find that their personal and professional conversations are vulnerable to data breaches and leaks due to the lack of robust security measures in place.


Design an app that resolves the problem, highlights the need for a chat application that addresses these concerns, offering AES-256 BIT encryption, secure data storage, and other privacy-focused features to provide users with a platform where they can communicate freely without fearing information leaks. And we made it possible with 'FortKnox'.

My Role

I was responsible for the entire product. From research, conducting user interviews, synthesizing and prioritizing goals, brainstorm ideas to finally designing and testing the solution. I created informed based design such as wire-frames, low fidelity and high fidelity prototypes, iterating insights along the process.

My Work Process

  1. Empathise

  2. Conceptualize

  3. Design

  4. Validate

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