Dating application

Hi! Check-out our web application for anonymous acquaintances!

Users install whispercrush as an add-on for Instagram, and then this application helps those who have been following each other and secretly crushing on each other for a long time to connect.

The application consists of a few pages:

User's profile


Matches (someone you like also likes you)

Crushes (people you liked)

Our chosen colors are pink, dark-purple and the gradient mix of blue and purple. They have been selected not only to highlight the romantic atmosphere but also to seamlessly integrate with Instagram's visual identity and impart its vibrant and engaging vibes. These colors are more than just a visual palette; they are a reflection of our commitment to providing a seamless and familiar experience for our users.

Thanks for watching! To collaborate with us write at

Website, Behance, Whatsapp, Book a call

Created in collaboration with Daria Znamenok