🌱Pari Jawa | A Parking Dashboard for Admins

Hello, Fellas!🙋🏻‍♂️🌱

Basically, this is my second portofolio in UI/UX fields which called Pari Jawa.

Pari Jawa itself stands for Parking Integrated System of Jogja Istimewa, a Parking Income Dashboard for an Admin where’s the Admin can control and find out the status of parking income, in-out vehicle statistics, and also the graph details.

This dashboard displays a fresh-green colored which represents Pari Jawa’s logo basic color and I also added a lil bit of interactions to make this website looks more lively and unboring, so it will boost Admin’s spirit and mood to work!☺️🌱

Actually, I designed this Dashboard Interface for my current office that I'm working at, Balai Pengelolaan Terminal dan Perparkiran under Dinas Perhubungan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

As a closing, I’d say thanks for Muhammad Iyad Irviansyah as my reference, because of him this design can be launched!

Last but not least, since I am kinda new in this UI/UX fields, I hope you like my work!. And well, how do ya guys think? If there’s any feedback, please put ‘em on comments!

Don't forget to press "L" ❤️

Thank you in advance!

🙋🏻‍♂️Let's be mutual!🙋🏻‍♂️

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