Po Stronie Farmaceuty - Loyalty portal
About project
Aflofarm is one of the largest Polish pharmaceutical companies and a leader in the Polish market for non-prescription products. Aflofarm is a manufacturer of such drugs as Desmoxan, Neosine, Procto-Hemolan and Opokan, among others.
The Aflofarm concern entrusted InterSynergy with the mission to design and build an e-learning and at the same time loyalty service for pharmacy employees, one of its most important customer groups.The postroniefarmaceuty.pl website was also to become the first training portal combined with a loyalty program available in pharmacies and integrated with Kamsoft's pharmacy software. The website was to be at the same time an advanced CRM, where pharmacists could develop their competencies, enrich their product knowledge, contact the corporation's field representatives and order rewards obtained in exchange for participation in training courses.