Fortunes Of Treasure - (Visus) (Keepers of Dreams)

Fortunes Of Treasures - ( “Visus” ) ( Keepers of Dream Deck” )

Visus and the Dream Tree

A Mirage of Crimson

Visus, the Keeper of Dreams, was a creature of striking appearance. His fur, a vibrant shade of red, seemed to shimmer and glow in the desert sun, sometimes causing him to disappear against the fiery backdrop. This ability was not merely a visual trick; Visus could actually blend into his surroundings, becoming nearly invisible in the desert's harsh environment. He could use this camouflage to ambush enemies, stalk prey, or simply avoid detection, like a phantom lost in the sands.

Visus's eyes, normally a piercing black, turned an ethereal green or red when he was conjuring special spells. This color change was more than just a cosmetic effect; it reflected the transformation of his energy and the activation of his supernatural abilities.

Visus's body was adapted to the harsh environment of the inferno desert. His thick fur provided insulation from the scorching heat, and his feet were toughened to withstand the rough terrain. He moved with a grace and agility that belied his size, his movements fluid and effortless, like a dancer gliding across a windswept dune.

Visus's ability to blend into his surroundings was a testament to his deep connection with the desert. He understood the nuances of the landscape, the patterns of the wind, and the subtle shifts in the sand. He could use this knowledge to his advantage, disappearing and reappearing at will, leaving his opponents confused and disoriented, like mirages in the heat haze.

This ability was not just a defensive tactic. Visus could also use it to create illusions, making himself appear larger or smaller, or even changing his shape. He could use these illusions to deceive his enemies, leading them astray or causing them to panic, like a master puppeteer manipulating his strings.

Visus's mastery of the desert was absolute. He was a creature of the desert, as much as the desert was a part of him. His ability to blend into his surroundings was just one example of his deep connection to this harsh and unforgiving environment. He was a predator and a survivor, a creature of the inferno desert, perfectly adapted to its challenges and dangers.

A Desert Oasis

Visus's journey through the Dream Realm led him to a desolate desert, a land of endless sand dunes that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The sun beat down with merciless intensity, baking the earth into a parched and cracked wasteland. The sky was a vast expanse of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that seemed to drift lazily across the horizon, casting fleeting shadows on the sun-drenched sands.

In the heart of this barren landscape, Visus discovered the Dream Tree, a solitary figure standing tall amidst a field of iridescent flowers. The tree was unlike any other he had seen before. Its branches were bare, devoid of leaves, but its trunk was massive, a cosmic dream marvel. The bark was smooth, etched with ancient symbols and strange markings that seemed to glow with an inner light. Though the tree appeared dead, it was still alive, its ancient aura radiating with a subtle energy.

As Visus approached the Dream Tree, he felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over him. The tree seemed to exude timeless wisdom, a silent guardian of the Dream Realm. The sand that surrounded the tree blew in mystical patterns, the patterns in the sand randomly glowing red shimmering like jewels in the sunlight creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Visus stood before the Dream Tree, feeling a strange connection to the ancient being. He reached out and touched the soft bark, feeling a surge of energy flow through him. The Dream Tree was more than just a tree; it was a living, breathing entity, a guardian of the Dream Realm.

As Visus stood there, absorbing the energy of the Dream Tree, he felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over him. The harshness of the desert seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of serenity and wonder. He knew that he had found what he was looking for, a place of solace and renewal in the heart of the Dream Realm.

A Fateful Encounter

As Visus approached the Dream Tree, his heart pounded with anticipation. The tree's ancient aura resonated with him, a powerful force that seemed to draw him closer, almost against his will. Its branches, gnarled and twisted, reached out towards him, as if inviting him to embrace its power.

With a deep breath, Visus extended his paw towards the tree, his heart pounding in his chest. As his fingers touched the smooth bark, a surge of energy coursed through him, a bolt of electricity that seemed to ignite every cell in his body. The tree's power flowed through him, filling him with a sense of purpose and determination. He knew that he had found what he was searching for, and that their destinies were now intertwined.

The Dream Tree stood tall amidst a field of baring desert, a beacon of light in the tempestuous desert landscape. The air was filled with the sweet scent of nectar and the gentle blow of sand, but a constant undercurrent of unease hung heavy in the air. This was no ordinary desert; it was a dream desert, a place where storms could erupt from nowhere, their fury fueled by the Dream Tree's immense power.

The tree, a cosmic marvel, was a towering figure, its branches dancing with the wind like the tentacles of a mythical creature. Its bark shimmered white like soft scales of a dragon, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display. But beneath its ethereal beauty lay a hidden strength. The Dream Tree could absorb the lightning bolts that struck the desert, channeling their raw energy into its roots and growing stronger with each storm.

This power, once harnessed by the Unraveler, could be a formidable weapon against the Dream Realm. Visus knew that he must protect the Dream Tree at all costs, lest the Unraveler gain control of its immense power.

As Visus approached the Dream Tree, he could feel a subtle shift in the energy around him. The tree's aura, once vibrant and pulsating, now seemed dim and fading. It was as if the tree was struggling, its vitality slowly draining away. Visus recognized the signs immediately. He had seen them before, in other beings who had been affected by the Unraveler's dark influence.

Visus knew that the Dream Tree was a powerful entity, capable of great things. But its power was waning, and if he did not act quickly, it could be lost forever. The Unraveler, with its malevolent intentions, was draining the tree's life force, weakening its connection to the Dream Realm. Visus was determined to prevent this from happening. He knew that the Dream Tree was a crucial ally in the fight against the Unraveler, and he would do everything in his power to restore its strength.

With the help of the other Keepers of Dreams, Visus managed to restore the tree's vitality. The Keepers, using their Dream Healing abilities, infused it with their own energy, strengthening its connection to the Dream Realm and empowering it with new abilities. The tree, now reborn, became a powerful ally in the fight against the Unraveler.

As a sign of their newfound bond, the Dream Tree began to send Visus visions and messages telepathically. The tree, now aware of Visus's mission, became a valuable source of information and a powerful ally in the fight against the Unraveler.

The Dream Tree: A Guardian of the Tapestry

The Dream Tree stood as a sentinel in the heart of the Dream Realm. Its pale white trunk stretched towards the heavens like a pillar of light, its dragon scale bark smooth as porcelain, devoid of any cracks or blemishes. Its branches, skeletal and bare, reached out towards the dreamy pastel-washed sky, their starkness contrasting with the vibrant colors of the surrounding landscape. The sky itself was a canvas of ethereal hues, painted with shades of lavender, pink, and turquoise. Wispy clouds drifted lazily across the heavens, their edges tinged with gold and silver. The entire scene was a dreamlike tableau, a vision of serene beauty that seemed to defy the laws of reality.

The tree's immense size is awe-inspiring, dwarfing even the tallest trees in the Earth Realm. Its roots delve deep into the Tapestry, drawing sustenance from the cosmic energy that flows through the universe. The tree's power is palpable, a force that seems to emanate from its very core, a beacon of hope in the midst of the Dream Realm's ever-changing landscape.

The Dream Tree is more than just a plant; it is a living, breathing entity, infused with the magic of the Dream Realm. Its magic is derived from the countless dreams that have passed through its domain, absorbing their hopes, fears, and desires like a sponge soaking up water. The tree's magic is a reflection of the dreams that have shaped it. It is a tapestry woven from the threads of human imagination, a living, breathing entity that pulses with the energy of the Dream Realm. The tree can absorb the positive energy of dreams, using it to heal and protect. It can also absorb the negative energy of nightmares, using it to fuel its own power and influence.

The Dream Tree's magic is a double-edged sword, capable of both great good and great evil. It can be used to heal the sick, protect the innocent, and restore balance to the Tapestry. But it can also be used for more nefarious ends, such as controlling minds or manipulating the flow of time.

The fate of the Tapestry depends on how the Dream Tree's magic is used. In the hands of a wise and benevolent guardian, the tree could be a force for good. But in the hands of a malevolent entity, it could be a weapon of destruction.

A Tapestry of Roots

The Dream Tree's roots delve deep into the Earth Realm, intertwining with the planet's energy like the threads of a cosmic tapestry. These roots form a subterranean network that spans the globe, linking the tree to various points of power and influence, as if it were a living, breathing organism.

The tree's roots extend deep into the Earth's crust, reaching towards its core, like tendrils seeking nourishment from the planet's lifeblood. This connection allows the tree to draw upon the planet's energy, enhancing its own power and influence. It also allows the tree to sense the changes occurring in the Earth Realm, providing it with valuable information that it can use to protect the Tapestry, as if it were a vigilant guardian watching over the sleeping giant.

The Dream Tree's connection to the Earth Realm has a profound impact on its magic. It allows the tree to influence the physical world, shaping the dreams and destinies of mortals. But this connection also makes the tree vulnerable to the Unraveler's influence, as the entity can exploit the tree's connection to the Earth Realm to spread its darkness, like a parasite feeding on its host.

The tree's roots are more than just a conduit for energy. They are a bridge between the Dream Realm and the physical world, a connection that allows the tree to influence the lives of mortals in profound ways. The tree can sense the hopes, fears, and desires of those who live on the Earth, and it can use its magic to shape their dreams and their destinies.

The Dream Tree's roots are a testament to the interconnectedness of all things. They are a reminder that the Dream Realm and the Earth Realm are not separate entities, but rather two parts of a greater whole. The tree's existence is a testament to the power of dreams and the importance of protecting them.

As Visus stands before the Dream Tree, he can feel the energy coursing through its roots, a vibrant pulse that connects him to the very heart of the Earth Realm. The tree is a living link between the physical and spiritual worlds, a bridge that allows the Dream Realm to influence the lives of mortals. Visus knows that he must protect the Dream Tree at all costs, for its survival is essential to the well-being of the Tapestry.

A Cosmic Infusion

The cosmic event that marked the birth of Louis had a profound impact on the Dream Tree. The surge of energy released during Louis's birth reverberated throughout the Tapestry, strengthening the tree's connection to the Dream Realm and empowering it with new abilities. It was as if the universe itself had recognized the significance of Louis's birth and had bestowed upon the Dream Tree a gift of immense power.

The infusion of cosmic energy made the Dream Tree even more powerful, enhancing its ability to resist the Unraveler's influence. It was like fortifying a castle with ancient magic, making it impervious to attack. The Dream Tree became a beacon of hope in a universe shrouded in darkness, a symbol of resistance against the Unraveler's malevolent forces.

The Dream Tree's connection to the Earth Realm also has implications for defeating the Unraveler. As a guardian of both the Dream Realm and the Earth Realm, the tree can play a crucial role in combating the Unraveler's influence on both realms. By protecting the Earth Realm from the

Unraveler's destructive forces, the tree can help to weaken the entity's power and ultimately defeat it.

The Dream Tree is more than just a guardian; it's a living weapon, a force for good in a universe besieged by evil. Its power is immense, its potential limitless. With the Dream Tree on their side, the Treasures have a fighting chance against the Unraveler.

Visus's Inferno Fortress

Visus's Inferno Fortress, an architectural marvel, was a testament to his ingenuity and the power of the Dream Realm. Built into the very heart of the Dream Tree and surrounding it and intertwining, the fortress was a towering structure, its dark wood walls gleaming in the desert sun, resembling a Gothic cathedral risen from the heart of a dream.

Pointed arches, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from the Dream Realm, towered tall, leading to the grand entrance, carved just in the center of the tree's trunk. The entrance was framed by gargoyles, their stone faces etched with expressions of ancient wisdom. Several stained glass windows, their colors dancing and twinkling like the shifting sands of the desert, glowed with ethereal light, casting intricate patterns across the floor.

The interior of the fortress was a labyrinth of winding hallways and vaulted chambers, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. The walls were lined with tapestries depicting scenes from the Dream Realm, their colors vibrant and lifelike. Ribbed vaults soared overhead, creating a sense of grandeur and mystery.

The Great Hall

The ground floor was a grand hall, a cavernous space illuminated by a giant rose window that stretched across the entire ceiling. The window was adorned with intricate stained glass designs, depicting scenes from the Dream Realm. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting colorful patterns across the floor and walls, as if painting the hall with the hues of a dream.

Ornate columns, their surfaces carved with fantastical creatures and celestial bodies, lined the sides of the hall. The columns soared towards the vaulted ceiling, creating a sense of grandeur and awe. The ceiling was adorned with intricate carvings, depicting scenes from the Dream Realm, as well as celestial bodies and mythical creatures. The overall effect was one of a living, breathing structure, a testament to the power of dreams and the ingenuity of its creator.

The walls were lined with tapestries depicting scenes from the Dream Realm, their colors vibrant and lifelike. A massive fireplace, its hearth filled with crackling flames that seemed to dance and shimmer, provided warmth and a cozy ambiance. The flames cast long, dancing shadows across the walls, creating an ever-changing tapestry of light and shadow.

The hall was filled with exotic treasures and fantastical creatures. A menagerie of creatures from the Dream Realm roamed freely, their forms as varied as the dreams that inspired them. There were winged horses with shimmering coats, wise old owls with piercing eyes, and playful sprites with mischievous grins.

In the center of the hall stood a large, round table, its surface polished to a mirror-like sheen. Around the table were comfortable chairs, upholstered in rich fabrics and adorned with intricate embroidery.

Here, Visus often hosted gatherings of other Keepers and visitors to the Dream Realm. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the soft hum of conversation. The laughter of friends filled the hall, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Personal Study

Visus's personal study was a room filled with an eclectic mix of the mundane and the magical. The walls were lined with shelves overflowing with ancient scrolls, magical artifacts, and a vast collection of books on the history and lore of the Tapestry. The books were bound in a variety of materials, from leather to silk, their covers adorned with intricate gold designs and shimmering gemstones.

A large, ornate desk sat in the center of the room, its surface covered in a jumble of papers, maps, and strange-looking instruments. A globe, its surface etched with constellations and celestial bodies, sat prominently on the desk. Nearby, a collection of crystals and stones, each one glowing with a different hue, sparkled in the soft light.

The room was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, illuminated by a large, stained glass window that depicted a scene from the Dream Realm. A comfortable armchair sat by the window, inviting Visus to relax and contemplate the mysteries of the universe.

On the shelves, Visus had amassed a collection of treasures from his travels throughout the Dream Realm and beyond. There were enchanted weapons, shimmering gems, and strange, otherworldly artifacts. Among the most prized possessions were a collection of golden books, their covers embossed with symbols and runes. These books were filled with ancient knowledge, secrets of the Dream Realm, and powerful spells.

One book, in particular, was a source of great fascination for Visus. It was a tome of ancient magic, its pages filled with intricate diagrams and strange symbols. The book was said to contain the secrets of the universe, the power to shape reality itself. Visus had spent countless hours studying the book, trying to unlock its secrets.

The Book of Dreams

The air in Visus's fortress shimmered and distorted, as if a hidden current were rippling through the very fabric of reality. A swirl of green sparks and particles began to coalesce, taking the shape of a book. It was a surreal moment, one that Visus would never forget. The book seemed to materialize out of thin air, hovering in mid-air, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow.

The book was unlike anything Visus had ever seen. Its cover was a deep, inky black, adorned with intricate silver patterns that seemed to shift and change. As Visus reached out to touch it, he felt a surge of energy, a tingling sensation that ran through his entire body.

The book was a gift from the Dream Engineer, a powerful entity who shaped the dreams of mortals. The Dream Engineer, sensing Visus's potential, had sent the book to him, hoping that it would aid him in his quest to protect the Tapestry.

The book seemed to be alive, pulsing with a subtle energy. Its pages, made of a shimmering, iridescent material, seemed to shimmer and glow, as if they were alive. The ink that covered the pages was a deep, rich black that seemed to absorb the light, creating a mesmerizing contrast against the iridescent background.

As Visus opened the book, he was greeted by a wave of images and sensations. He felt the warmth of the sun on his skin, the cool breeze on his face, the taste of sweet nectar on his tongue. He heard the sound of birdsong, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle lapping of waves against the shore.

The book was filled with intricate diagrams and strange symbols, each one a puzzle waiting to be solved. The pages were made of a shimmering, iridescent material, and the ink seemed to glow with an inner light. As Visus turned the pages, he felt a surge of energy, as if the book were alive and breathing.

The book spoke of the other realms, of the Tapestry and its delicate balance. It contained secrets of the Cosmic Realm, the Earth Realm, and the Spirit Realm, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. The book also spoke of the Unraveler, its origins, its powers, and its ultimate goal.

Visus was fascinated by the book, spending countless hours poring over its pages. He tried to decipher the symbols, to understand the ancient language in which the book was written. He studied the diagrams, trying to make sense of the complex concepts they represented.

The book was a source of great power, but it was also a dangerous weapon. In the wrong hands, it could be used to cause immense harm.

Visus knew that he must use the book wisely, to protect the Tapestry and defeat the Unraveler.

As Visus delved deeper into the book, he began to understand its true significance. It was not just a collection of ancient knowledge; it was a key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. The book held the power to shape reality itself, to create and destroy, to bring order or chaos.

The Upper Floor

The upper floors of the Dream Tree Fortress were more private, each offering a unique experience. Visus's bedchamber was a haven of peace and tranquility, a place where he could rest and recharge. The room was decorated in soft, soothing colors, with a comfortable bed draped in luxurious linens. A large window offered a panoramic view of the Dream Realm, allowing Visus to admire the beauty of the landscape from the comfort of his bed.

The view from the observatory was breathtaking. The desert stretched out below, a vast expanse of sand dunes bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The sky was a canvas of color, painted with hues of pink, orange, and purple. The stars twinkled brightly, their light reflecting off the sand, creating a shimmering sea of stars.

As Visus stood on the rooftop observatory, he felt a sense of peace and tranquility. The Dream Realm was a vast and mysterious place, but it was also a place of beauty and wonder. Visus's mission was to protect this realm, to ensure that its magic would continue to flow through the universe for generations to come.

Several extremely tall towers rose from the tree house, their dark wood and glistening, shiny clay black shingles contrasting sharply against the fiery desert sky. Each tower served a different purpose. One tower housed Visus's collection of magical artifacts, while another was a place of meditation and contemplation. The tallest tower was a beacon of light, visible from miles around, a symbol of Visus's power and authority.

The Dream Tree itself was an integral part of the fortress. Its roots ran deep into the structure, providing a foundation and a source of energy.

The tree's magic helped to protect the fortress from intruders, warding off evil and restoring balance to the Dream Realm. Visitors to the fortress could feel the tree's ancient power radiating from within, a palpable sense of energy that filled them with both awe and trepidation.

Visus's Inferno Fortress was more than just a place of residence; it was a living, breathing entity, infused with the magic of the Dream Realm. The tree and the fortress were intertwined

Visus's Desert Duel

Visus, the Keeper of Dreams, moved through the shimmering desert landscape with a silent grace. His red fur blended seamlessly with the sandy dunes, making him nearly invisible against the backdrop of the fiery sun. A sense of unease had been gnawing at him, a premonition of danger that he couldn't shake.

As he ventured deeper into the desert, Visus sensed a disturbance in the Dream Realm. A malevolent force was lurking there, a creature of nightmares that threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of dreams. Visus knew he had to act quickly.

He arrived at the source of the disturbance, a swirling vortex of darkness that seemed to suck in the light of the moon. The creature within the vortex was a monstrous entity, its form shifting and changing, its eyes glowing with an unnatural intensity. It was a creature born of nightmares, a manifestation of fear and despair.

Visus knew he had to confront this creature, to banish it from the Dream Realm before it could cause further harm. He drew upon his powers, his eyes turning an ethereal green as he prepared to battle.

The creature lunged at Visus, its claws outstretched, its jaws snapping. Visus dodged the attack, his movements fluid and graceful. He vanished into the sand, reappearing behind the creature, his claws extended. He struck with a force that sent the creature reeling.

The battle raged on, a clash of wills and powers. The creature unleashed a wave of darkness, engulfing Visus in a suffocating blackness. But Visus, using his powers of illusion, managed to escape the darkness and strike back. He created a mirage, a false image of himself that lured the creature away.

As the creature pursued the mirage, Visus launched a surprise attack. He struck the creature with a powerful blow, sending it crashing to the ground. The creature roared in anger, its eyes filled with a burning hatred. It rose to its feet, its form shifting and changing, becoming even more monstrous.

Visus knew he had to finish the creature off before it could recover. He summoned all his strength and launched a final attack. With a powerful blow, he struck the creature at its core, shattering its form and sending it scattering into the wind.

As the creature dissipated, the darkness that had enveloped the area began to fade. The Dream Realm was safe once again. Visus stood victorious, his breath heavy with exertion. He had defeated a powerful foe, protecting the Dream Realm from harm.

As he turned to leave, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had done the right thing. He had protected the Dream Realm and ensured that the dreams of mortals remained safe. And so, Visus continued his journey through the Dream Realm, ever vigilant, ever ready to protect the Tapestry from the forces of darkness.


Visus's eyes are a reflection of his mastery of these abilities. They can pierce through illusions, see through deception, and read the deepest secrets of the soul. His gaze is hypnotic, capable of captivating and mesmerizing his victims, like a siren's song luring sailors to their doom.

Those who dare to meet his gaze might find themselves lost in a trance, their minds open to his manipulation, like a moth drawn to a flame.

Visus's powers are not all unique to him. Other Keepers of Dreams possess similar abilities, though each Keeper has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Together, the Keepers of Dreams form a powerful force, guardians of the Dream Realm and protectors of the Tapestry, like a constellation of stars watching over the night sky.

Visus is a creature of contradictions, capable of both kindness and cruelty, wisdom and folly. He is a master of deception, a skilled manipulator who can twist words and play with minds, like a puppeteer controlling his marionettes. But he is also a creature of passion, driven by a desire to test the mettle of those who venture into his realm.

Visus's goal is to challenge and test his opponents, to see if they have the courage, wit, and determination to overcome the obstacles he places in their path. Those who venture into his inferno will face trials of endurance, cunning, and bravery. They will need to navigate treacherous terrain, outwit cunning enemies, and confront their own deepest fears, like a hero facing a dragon.

Visus is a master of deception, a skilled manipulator who can twist words and play with minds. He can read people's innermost thoughts and fears, using them to his advantage, like a skilled chess player anticipating his opponent's moves. His riddles are legendary, puzzles that test the intellect and the imagination. Those who fall for his tricks and traps will find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of their own making, like a fly caught in a spider's web.

Those who encounter Visus are often left spellbound by his charisma and his ability to manipulate the Dream Realm. However, Visus's true nature is far more complex than his surface appearance suggests. He is a creature of contradictions, capable of both kindness and cruelty, wisdom and folly.

Visus's ultimate goal is to test the mettle of those who venture into the Dream Realm. He seeks out those who are worthy of the Tapestry, those who possess the courage, intelligence, and compassion to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Those who can outwit Visus and navigate the treacherous landscape of his dream simulations will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe, like a treasure hunter discovering hidden riches.


Visus's Mastery

Visus's inferno desert is more than just a backdrop; it is a living, breathing entity, a realm of endless possibilities and terrifying challenges. Visus, as its master, possesses the ability to manipulate the desert's elements with incredible precision.

Sandstorms of Chaos: Visus can summon powerful sandstorms that can blind and disorient his opponents. These storms can be tailored to specific effects, such as creating a deafening roar, a blinding haze, or a chilling cold.

Mirage Manipulation: Visus can create and control mirages, leading his opponents astray with false visions of oases, cities, or even their own desires. He can make the desert seem endless, or he can shrink it down to a claustrophobic space.

Dune Manipulation: Visus can control the shifting sands of the desert, creating towering dunes that can block paths, bury enemies, or create deadly traps. He can also cause the dunes to collapse, burying his opponents in a torrent of sand.

Elemental Control: Visus can manipulate the elements of the desert, controlling the heat, the wind, and the very sand itself. He can create walls of fire, whirlwinds of sand, and even manipulate the temperature of the air.

Visus's mastery of the desert is absolute. He can create a landscape that is both beautiful and terrifying, a place where illusions and reality blur, and where danger lurks around every corner. His opponents will find it difficult to navigate the treacherous terrain he has created, and those who underestimate his power will pay the ultimate price.

Fortunes Of Treasures is a #NFT collective made of animated tarot cards. Collect in NFT marketplace!

Art direction, Design and Animation created by Los Angeles-based Designer Marquis Love

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Marquis Love
Los Angeles - based Digital Artist & Motion Picture Creative
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