Drag'n'Drop - framerJS Challenge #1

Hello Dribbbbbblers,

Recently I fell in love with the mighty framerJS Studio, so in order to improve my skills, I'll do this challenge where I publish at least one prototype per week.

I'm kinda noob, so my code isn't perfect (yet), but I believe that it could help some of you guys that are beginners like me or anyone else. Anyhow I'll share all of the prototypes here on Dribbble, this site and probably twitter, so if you’re into this feel free to follow me (somewhere).

The first one is the Drag’n’Drop, probably not the easiest one to start off this journey but I’m pretty satisfied with the end result.

Prototype #1 → http://share.framerjs.com/9nrr5kq2pcxi/ Collection → http://framerjs.djordjevanjek.com


Software ✨ Designer

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