Fortunes Of Treasure - ( Leonardo ) ( Orange Deck No.1 )

Fortunes of Treasure - ( Leo ) ( Orange Deck No. 1 )

The Kingdom of the Sun

The Crucible of the Sun

Leo's journey began on a crisp autumn morning when he was whisked away from his familiar home as a very young cub, and into the heart of the Sun Kingdom. The transition was jarring, the sudden shift from the cool, familiar air of his village to the intense heat and blinding light of the sun-drenched realm disorienting. His eye took a while to get used to the light, and his thick fur began to shade layers.

His first day in the Sun Kingdom was a blur of new sights, sounds, and sensations. The towering cacti that surrounded the courtyard, the shimmering sands, and the vibrant colors of the sky were all a stark contrast to the familiar landscapes of his home.

The Sun Kingdom

The Sun Kingdom was a realm unlike any other, a celestial oasis existing within a void. A hidden pocket of reality, a mystical place thought up by its creator, the Sun God. The void was a place of pure beauty and magic that existed nowhere else. In the Cosmos, if you entered a wormhole, what is at the other end of it? A void of some sort. However, this void can't be found at the end of a wormhole. Much remained unknown about the Sun God, who created it, his image was only represented as a fiery bird depicted in the intricate carvings within the temple.

The kingdom was not simply a place; it was a living, breathing entity. Sometimes, Leo could see the sky ripple in fire, the Tapestry revealing the illusion of the void to him. The Sun Kingdom was a realm of both day and night - a sun and a moon, a unique feature that set it apart from other celestial bodies. This was an important part of the ecosytem in the Sun Void. While the primary sun, a massive, fiery orb, dominated the heavens, casting a golden glow over the land, there was also a secondary celestial body, a moon that simulated a strange cycle. This moon was a magical artifact, capable of producing a full moon on both sides, unleashing great magic upon the kingdom. The atmosphere became vibrant and lush during the day, and almost completely invisible during the night.

The temple was a marvel of architecture, its intricate carvings and ornate sculptures shimmering in the sunlight. The towering entrance of the temple was a grand opening that went up to a point, pulling out above the courtyard. At the very point was a carving of a large fiery bird, flowing down into carved scenes that depicted the bird's history. These carving cascaded down the large arched opening on both sides. Falling from the bire bird back into a dramatic slant clashing into the grounds of the grand entrance of the temple.

The courtyard in front of the temple was a beautiful and serene space, a large stoned surface, surrounded by a perimeter of intricate sculptures of dragons of the Sun Kingdom and towering cacti. The cacti, their arms reaching towards the sky, provided a natural barrier, protecting the temple from the harsh elements. The cacti and sculptures flew in and out of each other creating a pattern aroung the courtyard. On the other end was an entrance carved of stone, that led out towards the fields.

To the left of the courtyard, a patch of Sun Grass grew, its vibrant sunny blades leaving a dark patch against the golden sands of the desert.

To the right of the courtyard; The Sun Garden. The Sun Garden was surrounded by tall hedges, the garden formed a small maze, its winding paths leading to hidden alcoves and secluded seating areas.

The plants within the garden were unlike any other found in the Sun Kingdom. They were exotic and vibrant, their colors a dazzling array of reds, oranges, yellows, and purples. Some of the plants were bioluminescent, emitting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the garden at night.

The garden was protected by a magical barrier that shielded it from the harsh elements of the desert. The barrier was invisible, but its presence could be felt as a subtle hum in the air. It kept the garden warm and moist, even during the hottest days of the year.

As Leo wandered through the garden, he was amazed by the diversity and beauty of the plants. He saw towering cacti with flowers that bloomed at night, carnivorous plants that lured their prey with sweet scents, and vines that seemed to dance and sway in the breeze.

He sometimes noticed that the plants seemed to be aware of his presence. They seemed to respond to his emotions, their colors changing and their fragrances intensifying. It was as if the garden itself was alive, a sentient entity that could feel and perceive. Were the plants playing tricks on him? Sometimes they would sing and laugh, and this startled him to no end.

The landscape of the Sun Kingdom was a harsh and unforgiving desert, sculpted by the relentless wind into towering dunes that shifted and changed with every passing storm. The air was dry and hot, the sun's rays beating down with unrelenting intensity. Yet, despite the harsh conditions, the Sun Kingdom was teeming with life.

The desert was home to a variety of creatures adapted to the extreme environment. Towering cacti, their arms reaching towards the sky, stood like sentinels around the training courtyard, their spines a formidable defense against predators. Scorpion-like creatures, with their venomous stingers, lurked beneath the sand, while nimble sand creatures, lizard-like and nearly invisible against the sun-toned desert, darted across the dunes.

At the heart of the Sun Kingdom was the "Temple of the Sun's Fury", a towering edifice that stood as a testament to the power and majesty of the celestial orb. The temple was built of a unique, sun-colored stone that seemed to glow with an inner light. Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings and ornate sculptures, depicting scenes from the Sun Kingdom's history, the mythical creatures that roamed its lands, and the celestial beings that watched over it.

It was within this majestic temple that Leo spent countless hours training under Pyros' guidance. The days and years crawling by. He saw his pivotal years pass by while in the void. The temple was more than just a place of worship; it was a living, breathing entity, infused with the magic of the Sun Kingdom. The walls seemed to whisper secrets, the air was filled with the energy of the cosmos, and the very stones of the temple seemed to pulsate with life.

Pyros the Sun Sorcerer

Pyros, a majestic falcon with feathers adorned in shades of gold and brown, was more than just a creature of legend in the Sun Kingdom. He was a guardian, a protector of the realm and its inhabitants. As the Sun Kingdom's most powerful and ancient being, Pyros watched over the kingdom with unwavering vigilance, ensuring its safety from the forces of darkness.

His primary responsibility was to protect the Sun Void, a celestial entity of immense power that was essential to the Tapestry's well-being. The Sun Void was a source of pure solar energy, providing the Tapestry with light, warmth, and sustenance. It was also important to protect the void against the Unraveler, a malevolent entity that could use it to corrupt and destroy the Tapestry.

His eyes shifted in colors from a dark ember to a piercing shade of amber during the Complete Moon. His eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. Though he was a fairly large bird, his size was unremarkable for a falcon. What set him apart was his unwavering steadiness and patience, qualities that belied his immense power.

Pyros was a Sun Sorcerer of immense power and ancient wisdom, a creature of legend whose name was whispered in hushed tones throughout the realms. Yet, despite his power and prestige, he was also a humble and patient teacher.

Pyros's feathers were a marvel to behold, shimmering like gold in the sunlight. They were adorned with intricate patterns and markings, each one a symbol of his power and wisdom. His wings were broad and powerful, capable of carrying him great distances with ease. His flight was a graceful and majestic sight, his body gliding through the air like a shadow.

Pyros was a creature of great strength and agility. He could soar to heights that no other bird could reach, and he could dive with incredible speed and precision. He was a master hunter, able to strike down his prey with a single blow.

But Pyros was more than just a powerful warrior. He was also a wise and gentle soul. Pyros was a Sun Sorcerer, a being imbued with the power of the sun. He could control fire with a mere thought, conjure blinding flashes of light, and heal wounds with the sun's warmth. He was a master of the elements, able to manipulate the wind, the fire, and the earth.

Much about Pyros's origins remained shrouded in mystery. Leo, who had spent countless hours studying the ancient carvings within the temple, had gleaned only snippets of information about the falcon's past. According to the carvings, Pyros had emerged from the very heart of the Sun Void itself. His body had risen from the sands, almost as if it were on fire, the flames subsiding to reveal the majestic form of a falcon.

From that moment on, Pyros had become the guardian of the Sun Void, a Sun Sorcerer and protector. His connection to the Sun Void was profound, his powers intertwined with its celestial energy. He was the embodiment of the sun's light, warmth, and power.

Pyros's Wisdom

Pyros was a creature of immense wisdom. He had seen the rise and fall of civilizations and the birth and death of worlds. He had witnessed the birth of the universe, his eyes filled with the cosmic light that had given birth to all things.

Pyros's wisdom was vast and profound. He knew the secrets of the Sun Void, the mysteries of the Tapestry. He understood the nature of good and evil, the power of light and darkness. Pyros taught Leo the value of wisdom and knowledge, of understanding the world around him.

Pyros's legacy would live on for generations to come. His teachings would be passed down from one generation to the next, inspiring future generations of Keepers of Dreams. His wisdom would continue to guide the Dream Realm, ensuring its protection from the forces of darkness.

Leo: A Journey to Mastery

A typical day in Leo's life began with the first rays of sunlight filtering through the window of his small, sun-drenched room. He would rise, stretch, and feel the warmth of the sun on his fur. Then, he would begin his morning meditation, focusing his mind and calming his spirit.

After meditation, Leo would join Pyros for breakfast in the temple courtyard. They would eat a simple meal of sun-dried fruits, nuts, and coarse bread made from grains grown in the Sun Kingdom. And jams make of Sunberries grown on the land. As they ate, they would discuss the day's plans and review Leo's progress.

Training began shortly after breakfast. Leo's training was a rigorous blend of physical and mental exercises. He would spend hours practicing his movements making him flued and precise. He would spar with warriors conjured up out of the ground by the Pyros, testing his skills and pushing himself to his limits. When he received some of his powers, he would also train in the use of solar energy, learning to control fire, to conjure blinding flashes of light, and to heal wounds with the sun's warmth.

However, Leo's training was not limited to physical combat. Pyros also taught him the importance of mental and spiritual discipline. They would spend hours meditating together, focusing their minds on the sun and its energy. Pyros would guide Leo through various meditative techniques, helping him to achieve a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Leo's training also included a variety of physical challenges. He would run through the sun-drenched fields, climb towering dunes, and swim in the scorching hot rivers that flowed through the kingdom. He would also train in the temple's labyrinthine corridors, navigating the maze-like passages and overcoming obstacles.

One of the most challenging aspects of Leo's training was the physical demands of the Sun Kingdom. The intense heat and the harsh terrain could be exhausting, but Leo persevered. He learned to adapt to the environment, to conserve energy, and to push himself beyond his limits.

As Leo's training progressed, he began to develop new abilities. He learned to control fire with a mere thought, to conjure blinding flashes of light, and to heal wounds with the sun's warmth. He learned to fly through the sky, his body weightless and his spirit soaring. He even learned to manipulate the elements, controlling the wind, the fire, and the earth.

Forged in Fire: Leo's Journey to Mastery

One day, Pyros led Leo to a hidden chamber within the temple. The chamber was bathed in a soft, golden light, that trickled through intricate holes that let the soft sunlight through. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols and runes that seemed to glow with an inner light. The air was filled with a sense of peace and tranquility, a palpable energy that seemed to hum with a quiet intensity.

Pyros instructed Leo to stand before a large, circular altar, its surface etched with complex geometric patterns. The shapes making an intricate maze like pattern. As Leo stood before the altar, he felt a surge of power coursing through him, a tingling sensation that spread from his fingertips to his toes.

The Initiation

As Leo stood before the altar, Pyros placed his wing on Leo's head. The wing was warm and soft, its feathers gently brushing against Leo's hair. Pyros began to chant a powerful incantation, his voice echoing through the chamber. The words were ancient and mysterious, their meaning lost to time.

As Pyros chanted, the falcon floated in the air. His body seemed to be ablaze, a surge of solar energy coursed through Leo's body, filling him with a sense of power and purpose. The air around him shimmered and distorted as if caught in a heatwave. The symbols on the altar began to glow, their light intertwining with Leo's own.

A blinding light erupted from the altar, enveloping Leo in a radiant glow. The light was so intense that it seemed to burn away any impurities, leaving him feeling cleansed and purified. The light started from the tip of his nose and cascaded down his body, leaving a trail of flame-like particles that blew out with a trail of smoke. The light left a vigrant glow on his yellow silky fur as it passed. When the light subsided, Leo opened his eyes and looked at his hands. They were glowing with a faint, ethereal light.

With a deep breath, Leo held out his hand. A small flame ignited at his paw, flickering and dancing in the air. It was a simple flame, but it was a symbol of the power that Leo now possessed.

He would learn to control fire and light. He would learn to conjure blinding flashes and blasts of fire that could harm and disorient his enemies. The Falcon told him the rest of his power would be granted only after he proved his mastery- and on his final birthday within the kingdom.

As Leo's powers grew, so too did his understanding of the sun and its place in the universe. He learned that the sun was more than just a celestial body; it was a living, breathing entity, a source of life and energy. He learned to respect the sun's power, to harness it wisely, and to use it for the good of all.

The Sun Dragon and the Double-Sided Full Moon

In the heart of the Sun Kingdom, a celestial phenomenon occurred twice a year that would send the kingdom into a frenzy of excitement and anticipation. The Complete Full Moon, a magical event that transformed the kingdom into a realm of wonder and enchantment, was a time of great power and magic.

During the double-sided Complete Full Moon, the Dream Realm underwent a profound transformation, particularly in the desert landscape. The barren, sun-baked sands seemed to come alive, their hues shifting and shimmering in the ethereal light. The dunes, once static and unchanging, began to move and dance, their shapes morphing and twisting in mesmerizing patterns.

The desert, normally sparse of flowers, started to bloom in a riot of color. Their petals, shimmering with iridescent hues, seemed to glow with an inner light. However, these flowers would only live a short life as they die shortly after the six days of the complete full moon. They only want to live to experience the Complete Full Moon. The air was filled with the sweet scent of nectar and the gentle hum of insects, a symphony of life that had been absent from the desert for centuries.

The desert, once a place of harshness and desolation, seemed to want to become a paradise of beauty and abundance.

But the changes were not just cosmetic. The very fabric of the Sun Kingdom seemed to shift and change during the Double-Sided Full Moon. The laws of physics seemed to bend and warp, as if the Sun Kindon in the void were a living, breathing entity that could change at will. The gravity of the Sun Kingdom seems to become lighter, Leo's body having the feeling of wanting to float, but never leaving the ground.

The magic of the CompleteFull Moon was not limited to the physical world. Their dreams became more vivid and intense, their imaginations soaring to new heights.

The few animal species seemed to become more heightened to a supernatural degree. Their eyes were hynotised, their bodies moving much faster across the land.

It was during this time that the Sun Dragon, a mythical creature of immense power and beauty, would awaken from its slumber. During the other time of the year, he slumbered in a hidden part of the void. The Sun Dragon was a creature of pure otherworldliness, its scales shimmering with vibrant irredesant dark blues, contracting against the dreamy sky. The dragon appeared in the sky often during the time of the Complete Full Moon. Its eyes were like twin suns, capable of piercing the darkness and illuminating even the most hidden corners of the Sun Kingdom. His voice was dark and sweet with a rumble and hum.

The Sun Dragon would only appear during the Complete Full Moon, soaring through the sky on wings of fire. Its flight was a majestic sight to behold, as it soared through the heavens, casting a soft cool glow on the land below. The Sun Dragon was said to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who saw it, and it was believed that to make a wish upon the Sun Dragon was to have that wish granted.

But the Sun Dragon was not just a symbol of good fortune. It was also a guardian of the Sun Kingdom, protecting it from the forces of darkness.

During the Double-Sided Full Moon, the Sun Dragon would seek out the Unraveler's influnce on the land. Even though this was a land hidden from the Unraveler, his influence had no effect there. Leo had never seen the Dragon land, he floated through the sky for a while then disappeared. However, one time the Dragon landed right in front of him in an open field, Leo had questions about the Unraveler after seeing carving in the temple. The Dragon told Leo that he thought the Unraveler was unaware of the void existence and flew off. Hind legs pushed off the ground with a crack and thunder, leaving a cascading of air and dust, that blew and shifted through Leo's silky yellow-ish fur, causing his mann to blow greatly in the breeze.

The Complete Full Moon was a time of great magic and wonder, a time when the Dream Realm was at its most beautiful and powerful.

The Sun Grass

The Sun Grass was a peculiar plant that grew in a patch off to the side of the Temple of the Sun's Fury. It was a tall, lanky grass with blades that shimmered with a golden hue. Leo often found himself drawn to the Sun Grass, its swaying stalks and vibrant color creating a sense of tranquility.

The grass grew taller than Leo now a teen cub. He liked to spend time running through it. He would roll through the tall dry-like grass, staring at the dreamy day fire sky. The view filtered through the sight of the tall grass stretching to the sky.

One day, as Leo was practicing his fire-bending abilities on a patch of dry dirt nearby, he was only able to conjure up so much energy and magic. In frustration he ran off to the temple, going through the grass and setting it ablaze as he ran through. He panicked, but the flames seemed to grow larger and more intense as he ran through cascading outward from his being.

From that day forward, Leo was more cautious in his use of fire. He learned to control his emotions, to channel his anger and frustration into positive energy. He learned to use his powers for good, not for destruction. The now burned patch of Sun Grass is a reminder. Pyros told him that he would have to eventually regrow the Sun Grass. He hoped Leo would take the initiative.

As Leo continued to train, he discovered his newfound abilities. He learned to use fire to create protective barriers, to repel attacks, and even to fly. He learned to use light to send messages across vast distances for communication.

Leo's journey was a long and arduous one, filled with challenges and setbacks. But he persevered, driven by a desire to become the best he could be. With each passing day, he grew stronger, wiser, and more powerful.

And he waited for the day for him to finally "Ascend to the Heart of the Sun".

The Sun Sorcerer's Guidance

Leo's relationship with Pyros was a complex and multifaceted one. Pyros, a Sun Sorcerer of immense power and ancient wisdom, was more than just a mentor; he was a father figure, a friend, and a guardian of the Tapestry.

Pyros had witnessed the birth of the universe, his eyes filled with the cosmic light that had given birth to all things. He was a creature of legend, his name whispered in hushed tones throughout the realms. Yet, despite his power and prestige, he was also a humble and patient teacher.

Pyros saw in Leo a spark of potential, a raw talent that he was determined to ignite. He pushed Leo to his limits, demanding excellence in every aspect of his training. But he also offered unwavering support, encouragement, and guidance. Pyros taught Leo not only the physical skills he needed to survive but also the mental and spiritual fortitude required to succeed.

Leo, in turn, developed a deep respect and admiration for Pyros. He saw in Pyros a mentor, a father figure, and a friend. He was grateful for Pyros' guidance and support, and he was determined to make him proud.

As Leo's training progressed, he began to understand the true nature of his relationship with Pyros. He realized that Pyros was more than just a teacher; he was a guardian of the Tapestry, a protector of the universe.

And Leo, as the chosen one, was destined to follow in his footsteps.

Pyros had a secret he had kept from Leo for years. He knew that Leo was destined to play a crucial role in the protection of the Tapestry. A prophecy foretold that Leo would one day train and guide the future King of the Jewel Realm, a powerful artifact that held the key to the universe's balance.

The King of the Jewel Realm was a young and inexperienced ruler, facing threats from dark forces that sought to unravel the Tapestry. Leo's training was not just about becoming a powerful warrior; it was about preparing him for the day when he would need to guide and protect the future king.

Pyros had known of the prophecy since before Leo's birth. He had seen the potential within the young lion, the spark of divine energy that would one day ignite into a beacon of hope for the universe. But Pyros also knew that revealing the prophecy too early would be a burden on Leo's young shoulders.

He wanted Leo to enjoy his youth, to experience the joy and wonder of the Sun Kingdom. He wanted Leo to grow and develop, to become the powerful warrior and master of the sun's power that he was destined to be.

Pyros had considered revealing the prophecy to Leo on several occasions. But each time, he had decided against it. He knew that Leo was not yet ready for the weight of such a responsibility. He needed more time to grow, to mature, to develop the wisdom and experience he would need to fulfill his destiny.

Finally, Pyros thinks to himself. He will leave the prophecy for a future date. When the Lion is much older and wiser to hold it. The Lion was wise beyond his years, but such a burden. He will wait until far after their time together. He will wait until the Lions age, wisdom and magic refine and fine-tunes with a bit more life.

The Ascent

The day of Leo's ascension dawned bright and clear, the sun casting its golden light across the Sun Kingdom. The sunlight danced and tinkled in a particularly new pattern that morning as he arose and journeyed through the halls. The light made magical symbols on the walls as the Griffin flew by. The shadows felt long and dramatic as they walked across the temple's large entrance, leaving the massive grand hall into the outer courtyards.

It dawned on him, that it was a momentous occasion, a day that Leo had anticipated for years. He knew that this was the culmination of his training, the moment when he would truly become a master of the sun's power; and his final birthday at the temple.

As Leo stood before Pyros, his mentor and guide, he felt a surge of emotions. Excitement, anticipation, and a touch of fear coursed through him. He was about to embark on a journey that would change his life forever.

"Are you ready, Leo?" Pyros asked, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and solemnity.

Leo nodded, slightly nervous. But, his voice a simple roar, "Ready". He was ready.

Pyros led Leo to the base of the Sun Peaks, a towering range of mountains that overlooked the Sun Kingdom. The peaks were bathed in sunlight, their slopes gleaming with a golden hue.

"This is your final test," Pyros said. "You must climb to the summit and touch the sun."

Leo's heart pounded with excitement and a touch of apprehension. He had never climbed the Sun Peaks before. They were said to be treacherous, their slopes steep and treacherous. But Leo was determined to succeed.

With Pyros' guidance, Leo began his ascent. The climb was arduous, the sun beating down on him with relentless force. He pushed himself to his limits, his muscles burning with exertion.

As he climbed higher, the view became more breathtaking. The Sun Kingdom stretched out below him, a vast expanse of golden sand and towering cacti. The sun, a massive, fiery orb, seemed closer and more intense.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Leo reached the summit. He stood on the peak, his breath ragged, his body aching. But the view was worth every drop of sweat. The Sun Kingdom lay at his feet, a vast and beautiful landscape bathed in the golden light of the sun.

And there, before him, was the sun itself, a massive, fiery orb that seemed to fill the sky. Leo reached out and touched the invisible barrier that separated him from the sun. The Tapestry rippled in response. He reached out and grabbed the sun from the sky. The orb floated above his paws, leaving a fiery glow about his fur. A fiery glow bathed the dramatic, dreamy fire sky, cascading to a smokey vapor. A surge of energy coursed through him, filling him with a sense of power and purpose.

A void engulfed him. He found himself levitating above the surface of the sun, a void of fire and light. The heat was intense, the radiation blinding. As Leo floated above, he felt a surge of power coursing through him. He's body a glow. He was a being of pure solar energy, a guardian of the Tapestry.

He looked down at the Sun Kingdom, a speck in the vastness of space. He knew that he had the power to protect it, to defend it from harm. And he would do whatever it took to fulfill his destiny.

With a sense of peace and purpose, Leo turned to begin his descent. As he left the void, he stumbled to gain his footing on the cliff. Pyros closed the void behind him. The hole closed with a fiery seal, and smoke burst out of it. As he descended, he looked back at the small sun figure in the Sun Kingdom sky, a symbol of his power, his destiny, and his hope for the future.


The Leo's Sun Powers

Leo, under the guidance of Pyros, the Sun Griffin, would likely learn a variety of powers related to solar energy. These powers could include:

  • Pyrokinesis: The ability to control fire. This could manifest in various ways, such as creating fire from nothing, manipulating existing flames, or even extinguishing fires.

  • Photokinesis: The ability to control light. Leo might be able to create blinding flashes of light, manipulate shadows, or even see in the dark.

  • Thermokinesis: The ability to control temperature. This could involve heating or cooling objects, creating heat shields, or even manipulating weather patterns.

  • Solar Absorption: The ability to absorb and store solar energy. Leo could use this energy to enhance his other abilities or to heal himself and others.

  • Solar Constructs: The ability to create constructs of pure solar energy. These constructs could take on various forms, such as weapons, shields, or even living beings.

  • Celestial Flight: The ability to fly through the sky, powered by solar energy. This would allow Leo to travel great distances quickly and to access areas that would be inaccessible to others.

In addition to these powers, Leo would also learn the importance of mental and spiritual discipline. Pyros would teach him to control his emotions, to focus his mind, and to find inner peace. These skills would be essential for mastering the sun's power and for navigating the challenges that lay ahead.


Fortunes Of Treasures is a #NFT collective made of spirit animal animated tarot cards.

All Rights Reserved: Los Angeles-based Designer Marquis Love

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