Nature – Anfachen Award 2022

These are two of my poster creations from last year's Anfachen Award 2022, centered around the theme of nature. 🌿

The first one on the left confronts the empty promises that often emerge from the realm of politics and corporations regarding our environment. Well-intentioned words often vanish without a trace, leaving no tangible action behind. Even worse, they use these promises to make even more profits at the expense of nature. Through a play on words, the exchange of the last letter of the german word „promise“ becomes the german word „slip of tongue“. This inconspicuous exchange symbolizes how unremarkable the companies act and try to cover up their unfulfilled promises.

The poster on the right vividly addresses the urgent issue of plastic pollution in our ecosystems, serving as a visual call to action. It's a reminder of our shared responsibility to protect our natural world.

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