MELD Extended Showcase
Role: Design Director
To gain a deeper understanding of how MELD was shaped and its remarkable evolution towards reaching a staggering worth of 1 billion dollars in ada within MELD STAKING POOLS, I highly recommend downloading the presentation. By doing so, you will be able to witness the intricate details and captivating animations that truly bring the story of MELD to life. So, without further ado, click here to begin your journey into the fascinating world of MELD.
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Enter your text This image was shoot at 7th Anniversary of Half Backed, music label. I was photographer, for couple of agencies and news portal, focused on concerts, clubbing and events, nightlife. Whever there is a need for a photo, before I go to the stock, I check my archive first. MELD was kind of project where I was able to use shoots from personal archive since the creative direcetion was in the similar mood - dreamy, dark and mystic.