Business Dashboard

Business Overview Dashboard

This dashboard offers a comprehensive snapshot of critical performance metrics for strategic decision-making. With an intuitive interface, stakeholders can swiftly assess the company's past-year performance, identifying trends and areas for improvement.


1. Side Navbar: Easy navigation between Yearly Performance, Customer Insights, and Product Sales.

2. Yearly Bar Graph: Visualizes monthly performance trends, aiding in seasonal analysis and growth patterns.

3. Customers Pie Chart: Breakdown of customer base, facilitating targeted marketing efforts.

4. Product Sales: Detailed product-wise analysis for optimized inventory management.

- Benefits:

- Gain strategic insights from year-over-year performance trends.

- Identify and target key customer segments for tailored strategies.

- Track product performance for efficient inventory management.

- User-friendly interface for easy interpretation.

- Make informed decisions for business growth.

Posted on Oct 12, 2023

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