Kasada Rebrand

Kasada is simple yet sophisticated — the team and technology that stops the most advanced automated attacks on businesses without disrupting customers and the user experience.

Unlike competitors who simply defend against existing attacks, Kasada proactively drives away bots and their creators through layered defenses that evolve alongside threats and resist adversaries’ attempts to bypass detection. However, both visually and verbally, it wasn’t immediately clear how or why Kasada differs from its competitors.

Kasada’s brand blended into a sea of sameness and failed to express its proactive, dynamic bot protection that gives its audience peace of mind, comfort, and confidence.

They teamed up with us to differentiate their organization through:

📌 Brand Strategy

📌 Verbal Identity

📌 Visual Identity

📌 Brand Support

📌 Interactive

Check out the full case study: https://focuslab.agency/work/kasada


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Focus Lab + Odi
Global B2B brand experts.

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