Bahayanihan - Feature

This was the first design for the Bahayanihan app.

Created: 4 July 2022

Feature 1 - Homepage

Popular services searched by users of the app are displayed on the front page, recent searches by the current user are displayed below.

Feature 2 - Services

After selecting a service, the booking calendar will show and the available workers for the selected service will appear.

Feature 3 - Billing/Checkout

A breakdown of fees for each service availed is shown. Tips and promos are also added in this page.

The checking page is not user friendly and needs more tweaking. Needs more improvement.

Feature 4 - Confirmation page

When booking is complete, a confirmation will show. Worker ratings are also shown below the name.

I'm thinking of removing this one and adding this to the worker's profile instead. In exchange, other services offered by the worker will be featured and moved below the name.

More by Pauline Espejo

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