CryptoVal - Crypto Wallet Mobile App

Hi Guys! Good to see you again! I'm so excited to share my new exploration today. It's about cryptocurrency wallet mobile and here's the work.

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"This is maybe some kind of Valorant stuff again" and you are right hahaha. Now we are back and continue to bring the concept of Valorant Universe again. This is the crypto wallet mobile app that can be used as a payment method while buying NFT on the ValNFT app. You can check the design here.

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Some of you may notice and wonder, why we have a "Recent Game" navigation on the crypto wallet app?

So, this app also can be integrated into your Valorant account which means you can access information about your recent match through the app.

Some questions could come again like "But the information like Market and others not accessible enough because this recent game stuff takes too much space"

That's a good question!

Of course, we consider that . So we are able to swipe up the action menu and hide the content on the top and we can see the information down below.

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Any comments or suggestions? Let me know your thought!

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