Tasks app

This is a concept for a simple tasks app I've been thinking about lately.

The main view shows you the tasks for today and tomorrow. Inboxes are lists of tasks centered around a specific topic. These are tasks you want to keep track of but won't do either today or tomorrow.

Design philosophy

By focusing on just today and tomorrow, you simplify the cognitive load that a large backlog of tasks will have. This is not meant to be a comprehensive productivity system. There's plenty of productivity hacks and philosophies out there such as "Getting things done", "Zen to Done", and the Pomodoro technique. These might work if you already do a lot of things and just need a more efficient way to organise everything. However, if you aren't as productive as you'd like - for whatever reason - but still have a long list of things you should be doing, implementing a new - possibly overcomplicated - system will be nothing more than a distraction. At best, you'll feel good for a little while just for setting it up, but this is a false sense of progress: Your todo list is still there! It just looks fancy.

What I've found to be most helpful in these situations is focusing on today and tomorrow. Do all you can today and mentally prepare for what you'll do tomorrow. Gain back confidence in yourself by continually finishing today's list - however small it might be. Easily move tasks around between today, tomorrow and your inboxes.

More by Jasper D'haene

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