Dog Activity App

Designing for Dog Lovers - Crafting the Brief

Design a user-friendly mobile app that locates dog-related activities, nearby dog services, and fosters community interaction by enabling users to ask questions and share expertise about dogs.

Dog Lovers Unleashed - Insights and Competition

In our user research, I engaged with seven diverse participants—friends, family, and colleagues, all dog owners with varying ages, lifestyles, and professions.

Originally centered around a dog walking app, my research revealed a lesser demand for such a service in my area. Consequently, I adapted the focus to uncover the unique needs and preferences of this multifaceted group, spanning differences in dog breeds, behaviors, ages, and locations.

This research aims to provide insights that will guide to creating a product or service tailored to the distinctive lifestyles and beloved pets of these dog enthusiasts.

Bark-Worthy Insights

Tailoring an App

The interview data was analyzed, and needs were assessed. We also determined the potential user base for each feature. As a result, the following needs were identified.

Scouting Canine Competition

In the world of dog-related apps, Dogorama and Dog's Place take center stage.

Dogorama offers a wide range of features, including poison bait warnings, vet listings, dog schools, and a feedback forum. However, users have raised concerns about inaccurate warnings, an overload of unnecessary information, and an unpleasant community atmosphere.

Dog's Place emphasizes connecting dog owners and provides info on dog care, vets, shopping, and training. It allows users to rate places and includes an integrated blog. Yet, it suffers from excessive ads, a lack of place photos, and doesn't offer a significant advantage over Google Maps.These apps show promise but also room for improvement in meeting dog owners' needs.

Meet the Pack - The User Persona

Mapping the Canine Journey - User Flow

The user flow boasts a clear structure, repeating patterns, and simple navigation, offering an intuitive and consistent user experience.

Sketching Pawsibilities - Wireframes

Visual Tails - the Visual Guide

The visual guide embraces bright, warm colors to convey the playful and adventurous spirit of dogs. These colors radiate energy and positivity, resonating with the enthusiasm that dogs bring into our lives. The typography strikes a balance between clarity and playfulness, ensuring that information is easily digestible while infusing a sense of approachability and fun into the design. Together, these visual elements create a welcoming and engaging aesthetic that mirrors the joyful connection between humans and their canine companions.

Unleash the App: For Dog Owners Everywhere

Keeping the visual guide in mind, I've maintained a clear and structured content presentation, ensuring seamless access to information. Additionally, the design philosophy prominently features dog-centric imagery at the core, reinforcing the deep bond between humans and their furry friends. This results in a visually appealing and intuitively functional app.

From Dreams to Reality - Prototype

To experience the app's functionality firsthand, dive into the prototype here!

Lessons from the Leash - Insights

The journey of creating this app has imparted valuable lessons.

Firstly, user research has underscored its indispensable role; it's the compass guiding us towards meeting users' true needs and desires.

Secondly, experimenting with diverse graphic styles has been crucial in pinpointing the most fitting visual identity for the app, ensuring it resonates authentically with our target audience.

Lastly, the significance of feedback in our iterative process cannot be overstated. Feedback, whether from users or colleagues, has proven to be the compass that steers us towards product refinement, ultimately enhancing its quality and user satisfaction.

Christiane Fischer
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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