Coffee Shop Logo

Coffee Shop Logo

Day 6 #dailylogochallenge

Please take a seat and get comfortable, try to relax and let your imagination run wild...

The scorching sun, sand everywhere, even in your clothes and shoes. A figure in a long garment and a tall headdress on the horizon, the image wavering and distorted by the hot air rising from the ground. The figure approaches and becomes clear - on their head is a pyramid of coffee cups...

You close your eyes and immerse yourself in the sensations, taking a sip of hot, bitter coffee, feeling the sand even in it...

The logo in which I set my imagination and fantasy free: it represents a coffee bean and a weary plantation worker, cups of consumed coffee gathered to be carried away and washed.

"Tazza" translates from Italian as "cup." In this logo, everything you imagined just now and everything you will imagine tomorrow and beyond is captured...



If you need logo design for your company, write me on my email:

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