Digital Engagement: A UX Strategy for AMSUS's Annual Meeting

Project Overview

The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) is an esteemed organization that focuses on the improvement of military and public health medicine. As the Lead Designer for this project, my primary objective was to revamp and strategize AMSUS's promotional efforts, specifically targeting the advertisement and promotion of their yearly Annual Meeting.

The Product/Service:

AMSUS's yearly Annual Meeting is an esteemed event, gathering professionals, experts, and enthusiasts from the military and public health medicine sector. The Annual Meeting provides opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and the promotion of recent advancements in the field. Catering to a niche audience, the importance of reaching as many potential attendees as possible is paramount.

Core Problem:

Despite AMSUS's reputation and the significance of its Annual Meeting, the organization faced challenges in reaching a wider audience. One consistent pain point identified was the lack of effective digital advertising. Users expressed a desire for more targeted promotions and a clearer understanding of the benefits of attending the Annual Meeting.

The Goal:

To design and implement an effective and user-centric digital advertising campaign to maximize reach, engagement, and, ultimately, attendance at the AMSUS Annual Meeting.

My Role:

As the Lead Designer, my primary role involved conceptualizing, designing, and overseeing the execution of the digital advertising campaign. My responsibilities spanned from initial research to the final implementation of the promotional materials.


I was responsible for understanding both the objectives of AMSUS and the needs of potential attendees. By bridging the gap between user expectations and AMSUS's goals, my role was pivotal in ensuring the success of the promotional campaign.

Project Duration:

One week

User Journey

  • User Journey: Beginning with initial awareness, potential attendees move to consideration where clear, targeted advertisements play a pivotal role. The decision phase hinges on the clarity of the benefits and ease of registration.

  • UX Structure: The design emphasized a linear flow, ensuring users receive relevant information at every stage. Including testimonials, clear CTAs, and a simplified registration process were essential design elements.

Impact & Learnings


Launch is upcoming


  1. The importance of understanding the niche audience and tailoring advertisements accordingly.

  2. The effectiveness of utilizing overlooked promotional avenues.

  3. The significance of clear communication in driving user decisions.

More by Caitlin Lawrence

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