Apex Legends - Main Menu UI

Gaming UI Recreation

When I dove into the world of UX/UI Design almost 2 years ago, I was given some incredible advice from a highly respected designer in the gaming space who suggested to recreate the main menu from a game I enjoy, trying to use as little prebuilt assets as possible.

By doing this, not only would I sharpen my art & software skills, but it would reveal to me the level of detail that goes into building the UI of a video game. I've built plenty of interfaces over these last few years but the challenge came from not using any prebuilt assets that typically come from design teams, which really speeds up the total time of design.

Minus the background image, all assets you see were recreated either in Adobe Illustrator or Xd, from the logo all the way to individual icons. All rights to original artwork belong to Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts and affiliate partners. This is a passion project used strictly for training purposes only.

The UI for a video game, in my opinion, can absolutely make it or break it for gamers. Granted, what makes a standout game is more than just the interface elements, however, if an interface is complex, distracting or overall difficult to navigate for the player, he or she won't stick around long to figure it out.

By recreating the Apex Legends main menu, it caused me to pause and ask myself why the designers behind this made certain choices they did - while asking myself what I would've done differently if I was in their position.

Ultimately, I was very proud of this recreation and believe it's spot on to the original which gave me much more confidence as a designer. I have all the respect in the world for the amazing talent behind the largely popular Apex Legends!

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts!

PS: The gallery at the bottom shows my recreation (the red version) vs. the current/original menu.

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Taylor Rodriguez

Senior Designer & Marketing Assistant



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