Koala | Mobile Application

Koala | Mobile Application

2023 | Client: Faramarz Nasiri

Services on this project:

User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Visual Design, Prototyping, Typography, Human Centered Design, Creative Design, Copyrighting

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Koala is a specialized app for music, lullabies, stories, and relaxation for babies and pregnant women. It plays specially tuned pieces based on musical science that help people sleep more peacefully.

Koala was one of the most exciting projects for me. I had the opportunity to work with a professional team of musicians, writers, and child experts. Faramarz, the employer and project manager, had a deep understanding of music and a professional approach to work.

درباره پروژه

کوالا اپ تخصصی موسیقی، لالایی، قصه و آرام‌سازی برای کودک و مادر باردار است که بر اساس علم موسیقایی قطعات تنظیم شده مخصوصی را پخش می‌کند که باعث خوابی آرام‌تر می‌شود

کوالا یکی از هیجان‌انگیزترین پروژه‌های من بوده همکاری با یک تیم حرفه‌ای موسیقی ادبیات و کودک تجربه‌ای بی‌نظیر برای من داشت دانش تخصصی موسیقی و رفتار حرفه‌ای فرامرز به‌عنوان کارفرما و مدیر پروژه لحظات خیلی پرباری را برای من رقم زد

Challenges & Solutions:

One of the challenges of this project was understanding the needs of the user persona. A pregnant woman or a baby may be in an unusual situation when using the app. They need a user experience that is both smooth and reliable.

Because the app is usually used at night, we made it a priority to design a dark mode version. In the end, we focused on creating a version of the app with the most essential features.

چالش‌ها و راهکار‌ها

 از چالش‌های این پروژه تحلیل شرایط پرسونای کاربر بود یک مادر باردار یا یک نوزاد که هر دو در شرایطی غیرمعمولی برای کار با اپلیکیشن اقدام می‌کنند نیاز به تجربه کاربری روان درعین‌حال قابل‌اعتماد داشت و احتمالاً ازآنجایی‌که باتوجه‌به شرایط کاربران و محصول معمولاً در شب‌ها استفاده می‌شود طراحی ورژن دارک‌مود از ابتدای روند تولید در اولویت بود در آخر باتوجه‌به (ام وی پی) بودن محصول تلاش شد که یک نسخه از ویژگی‌های لازم برای شروع تهیه شود


Mobile 👇

Check out this gallery for mobile design, UI, and UX shots. Swipe for more!

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Prototyping 👇

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Visual Design 👇

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😊 Recommendation 👇

The employer's perspective on the project

Dear All,

Since the beginning of the Koala project, Mr. Amirhossein Khalili has been a sincere partner. From the very first days, he had very new, useful, and practical ideas for us, which made us realize that he is an aware person with a very creative mind. These qualities led him to be added to our team as a collaborator in the design thinking, graphic design, user interface design, and product design departments. He has been performing his duties well with full commitment and punctuality. We hope he will continue to be with us in the coming years with these valuable ethical and professional qualities.


Faramarz Nasiri

CEO at Koala



Figma, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Notion, Google Doc, Bing AI, CapCut, and Bard

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