Mahnaz Seyyedi | Mobile Application

Mahnaz Seyyedi | Mobile Application

2023 | Client: Iman PeyvandiPour

Services on this project:

User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Visual Design, Prototyping, Typography, Human Centered Design, Creative Design

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The Mahnaz Seyyed Educational Group app project was my first collaboration with Eman. It was a multi-purpose app for education, course sales, and online shopping. The project was challenging because the employer was sensitive to the design language. The employer's logo and visual identity had a traditional look, and the employer did not want to change their identity. However, the employer wanted the app to have a modern look that was consistent with their personal brand. I worked to find a balance between these needs, and this project was the result of our collaboration.


پروژه اپلیکیشن گروه آموزشی مهناز سیدی اولین تجربه همکاری من با ایمان بود یک اپ چندمنظوره برای آموزش، فروش دوره‌ها و فروشگاه آنلاین باتوجه‌به حساسیت کارفرمای اصلی فرایند انتخاب زبان دیزاین فرایند سختی بود. لوگو و هویت بصری خود کارفرما فضایی غیر مدرن و نسبتاً کلاسیک داشت و کارفرما باتوجه‌به سابقه و مخاطب قصد تغییر هویت را نداشت؛ ولی برای اپلیکیشن توقع فضایی مدرن و همسو با برند شخصی خودش را داشت، تلاش کردم تا نقطه مشترکی برای این نیازها پیدا کنم و این پروژه خروجی کار ما بود


Mobile Application 👇

Check out this gallery for mobile design, UI, and UX shots. Swipe for more!

ورق بزن 👉

Prototyping 👇

These are prototypes of this project, Let's dig deeper,

Keep scrolling, Enjoy the show :)

😊 Recommendation 👇

The employer's perspective on the project:

Mahnaz Seydi Company, active in the field of tailoring, has developed an Android application with the aim of providing online tailoring services, education, and sales, and creating a better experience for its customers. Mr. Amir Hossein Khalili was responsible for the design of the user interface and user experience of this application.

Mr. Khalili carried out the design of the user interface and user experience of the application with great attention to detail and attention to the needs of users. He created a pleasant user experience for users by using appropriate colors, images, and visual elements.

After the completion of the project, Mr. Khalili made minor changes to the design with the necessary time and care.


Iman PeyvandiPour

Product Manager



Figma, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Notion, Google Doc, Bard AI, CapCut,

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