Coltish Goods

My very first website.

When I started this project, I knew nothing about building a website. I stumbled on Shopify's incredible offer to get the first 3 months for $1 while surfing the internet and decided to give it a shot.

I had so much fun designing this website that it gave me the confidence I needed to launch my handmade goods store. A few short months later I decided I wanted to launch a blog. That's when I decided to take the plunge and learn WordPress. After a lot of late nights, some tears, and a whole lot of cussing, I ended up preferring WordPress over Shopify. While it is not complete yet, I decided to move the hosting provider for this website to Shopify and I am very excited to apply everything I have learned since the original site was built to the new one.

While I know that this website has a lot of critical design errors, it was what started my decision to change career paths. To see one's progress, you have to remember where you started and there is no better way to do that than visuals.

The full site can still be seen here:

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