Illustration of Serbian-German Relations

Inspiration for illustration

Serbia and Germany are connected through cooperation and relations between the two countries in various spheres, including politics, economy, culture, education, and other areas. Visual representation of these relations has been both a challenge and a pleasure. My proposed design is divided into several sections with different colors, each color with different elements symbolizing various areas of cooperation and can be interpreted in different ways.

The green color signifies the section related to energy and environmental conservation, known as the "green agenda." This part depicts renewable energy sources and current ecological challenges, with the aim of close collaboration between our countries.

The beige color symbolizes tourism. Germany is a favorite destination for Serbian tourists, and the same applies to German tourists visiting Serbia, fostering cooperation in the tourism sector.

The blue color represents education, knowledge, and the IT sector, encompassing various student exchange programs, scholarships, and joint projects between educational institutions in our two countries.

The orange color doesn't just depict the construction sector but also symbolizes the building of relationships between the two countries and peoples.

The yellow color symbolizes the financial sector. Germany, as one of the leading economies in Europe, can be a significant source of investment for Serbia, contributing to increased economic activity, job creation, and economic growth improvement.

The purple and gray-green colors illustrate the economy and trade. Germany is one of Serbia's most important trading partners in Europe, and the presence of numerous German companies in our country enhances economic cooperation between our states.

Finally, at the very center of the design, the red color represents children who are our future, peace, and hope. They hold hands around both flags, symbolizing a common perspective and goals.