Design An "Optin" Landing Page For An eCommerce Education Compan

Design An "Optin" Landing Page For An eCommerce Education Company

E-Formula is an online training course that shows people how to build an eCommerce business selling simple products quickly and easily on Amazon

What I need to design is a squeeze/opt-in page that will ask people to submit their email addresses to find out more information about the product.

(Please note that the final file will need to be a layered PSD, so I can make adjustments to the text at a later date.)

I attached a page that we did for a previous project and it needs to be something like this. You don't need to follow this layout though.

Just so you know, there will be 4 pages in total, with a sequence of 4 different videos.

However, for this contest, I only need ONE page designed.

In terms of theme, these videos will be filmed in Dubai.

As far as the content on the page, there needs to be:

-- A headline that says the following:

The 7-Stage “Snowball System” To Sell Simple Products at Lightning Speed, Using a Vast Online "Ocean" of FREE Targeted Traffic.

-- An area for a video

-- An optin' box that has text saying: ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS HERE And a button that says: DOWNLOAD THE BOOK (There should be two instances of this option box. One close to the top of the page and one further down)

-- Then somewhere on the page we will need 4 other elements. If you look at the example page I attached and look at the section where it says: THE BIG SECRET... THE AMAZING STORIES etc.. this is similar.

The text for these:

1: THE BREAKTHROUGH (Available Now)

2: THE BLUEPRINT (Coming Soon)

3: THE GOLDMINE (Coming Soon)

4: THE BIG REVEAL (Coming Soon)

If you want to add imagery, you could add icons that represent, Breakthrough, Blueprint, etc., or note the below:

1: THE BREAKTHROUGH will be filmed at the Burj Al Arab 2: THE BLUEPRINT will be Filmed at the Burj Khalifa 3: THE GOLDMINE will be Filmed at The Palm (island) 4: THE BIG REVEAL This will be in a studio, so if you want to add imagery, choose something that related to a product being revealed.

- Then further below, the logo (attached)

- Then footer links: Disclaimer, Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy, Earnings Disclaimer, Support

Then disclaimer text underneath:

Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every person. Your results may vary. All the results and testimonials shown are real, however, they are not claimed to represent typical results. Our results along with the results of our students are selected to demonstrate what is possible if you get motivated, take action, and put the effort in.

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