live in peace not in p i e c e s

recently I’ve become incredibly aware of my emotional fragility. i don’t think I’m an overly sensitive person but in all honesty I tend to overthink A LOT. i often wonder why it only takes a word or a phrase for me to shatter into a million pieces on the inside. i guess just realizing how insufficient I feel in regards to certain aspects of my life has left me feeling a bit empty. but ive also realized i can’t embrace everything that’s for me and live fully if im always in pieces mentally or emotionally. that’s where God’s peace comes in and reminds me that though I am a broken vessel i have eternal treasure within me that can not be taken away from me no matter how many times I fall to the ground in a million pieces, God will always pick me back up and put me back together in new and beautiful ways if I allow Him to. today and everyday im doing my best to intentionally choose His peace over my broken pieces:)