Duking it out: Scientists capture mating battle between wild cut

For this science video/story package, I worked with a video producer at the National Science Foundation to craft a compelling story to accommodate this super cool new science video. The subject matter was slightly sensitive - fish matting in the wild. So, my job was to write a script that was informative for kids, while cautiously crafted. View the short video here.

Cuttlefish bro down!

Charlie Heck, NSF Science 360 News

Cute, cuttlefish! Chillin’ cephalopods…or so we thought! For the first time ever, scientist captured an IRL fight over a female. Some of you humans might have witnessed similar behavior on a Friday night, in your local watering hole.

Cuttlefish meets cuttlefish, a tale as old as time. Rival suitor challenges Male Cuttlefish 1 to a duel, and deep in the sea, mating games are afoot. While conducting undersea research, scientists happen to catch the encounter–the first time such behavior has been filmed in the wild. Researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory say this behavior suggests a “mutual assessment” model of game theory: Each individual evaluates his next action based on his opponent’s ability and his own ability to prevail. And mutual assessment requires more cognitive ability.

This analysis through game theory is a big step in studying aggression in the animal kingdom. And the observations and analysis set up a way to do lab experiments differently.

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Posted on Sep 15, 2023
Charlie Heck
Multimedia + Design + Creative Copy Producer - My Portfolio

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