The Case Against In-Your-Face Visuals

Don't you just love a thought-provoking quote paired with a simple yet striking visual? I do.

Amid all the AI-generated art, 3Ds, and splashy colors, sometimes it's just nice to appreciate the old-school, hand-drawn style.

I don't know about you, but it's almost like I've become desensitized by all the

in-your-face visuals that scream "Look at me! Look at my bright colors!"

Clean styles on the other hand are like a breath of fresh air. It's like the difference between listening to a loud, obnoxious band and a softer, more subtle one. The louder one may get more attention, but the soft one often has more depth and lasting impact.

The minimalist style can speak volumes and combining it with just the right words can evoke a powerful reaction. It can also serve as a reminder of the importance of simplicity and the power of words.

And since I mentioned AI, I'd be a fool if I didn't use this topic as an example, it being one of the most powerful forces in our world today.

Hope you like it!

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