Western Valve website

The redesign of the Western Valve website was kicked-off with the idea to expand the site content with new sections for training and information materials for field technicians operating and performing maintenance on their valves.

The first step was to refresh the existing sales website (which was meant to be expanded with the training materials) while shifting the focus from the company itself more towards highlighting the product and services.

The project was eventually cancelled because the clients priorities had shifted. This means not all pages got ever designed and most existing pages are not finished and basically all of them only show the content design and don't include typical navigation elements like headers and footers.

The product - DAN-EX

The existing site uses drop-down menus extensively for navigation between the pages. This requires the user to choose the right options from the main navigation drop-downs in the right order to get the desired informational flow.

While I planned to keep the rough structure off the topics of the different pages the same, it seemed like overview pages would be a good opportunity to highlight product and service key aspects. The overview page would link to each detail page for the section while giving short highlights from the content they will find.