By foot, No brain - the trekking trip plan website & app : UXR

If you're asking yourself "what is this?" you're right, I've no idea.

Here's some context for you:

On July of last year me and my friend Victor went on a 5 days trip from Rennes to Mont Saint Michel, 106km, 3 B&B and 1 camping.

Unfortunately, we underestimated the route from my house to the first night stop (like the newbies we are...not): we did 30 something kilometres in one day and were beyond tired the next day...which made next day ups and down only worse!

Luckly one of the halts was closer than the others and we were able to recuperate...but! we found one of the food stops closed and another outside the main route so...very small lunch for two days, not ideal.

Why Am I telling you this adventure from more than a year ago?

Because we were meant to do another trip this year didn't happen for various reasons, which bought me to think:

Why is it so hard to plan a trekking trip for lazy untrained people like us?

Here you go, my take on the solution (I know there are a few others already working but...the more the merrier?)

First step to the solution: searching around and jotting down messy ideas, in an even messier writing. (I find this posts to be a nice occasion to clean the mess up)

The searching around

Below you'll see a "few" User Stories coming from me, my family and friends.

if you want to add something write it in the comments!

The jotting down ideas

I resumed and studied the most relevant Users Stories into a list of needs that I condensed in 4 key elements

More by Antonia Procesi

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