Schedule Timeline Quarters

Currently, the Cushion schedule timeline uses months for its tick marks. With multi-year projects, this can result in a congested interface. The plan is to detect when a timeline spans more than a year and replace the months with quarters.

I'm not 100% sold on labeling them Q1, Q2, etc—I might go with "Jan - Mar 2015", "Apr - Jun 2015", etc. This is just an initial design for them.

The tricky part will be zooming. Right now, it's easy to zoom between the month view and the year view by simply toggling the month label. Once quarters are involved, there will be 3 zoom levels. I could just have it cycle through the zoom levels or allow holding the option key to zoom out. That's still up in the air, too.

(You should try Cushion)

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Posted on Sep 17, 2015

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