NANA, the Dog Walking App for Everyone
NANA began as a solution for a friend, let’s call her Tina.
Tina has a disabled daughter that requires intensive care and will continue to need such care for the rest of her life, leaving my friend with very little time to even think about caring for a pet, though both she and her daughter adore dogs. NANA provides a way for everyone to have pets, to ensure that even those with disabilities can have dogs that are happy, exercised, and groomed.
After defining our goals, we took a look at current apps and services. What were they missing? Or, most importantly, what were their pain points?
The research was clear: the heaviest concern among dog owners was trust. Establishing a connection between owner and caretaker is vital for a happy experience on both sides.
And with all of that information compiled, it was time to begin. I started with outlining a User Flow:
From that, a wireframe:
I gathered ideas, colors, and inspiration into a mood board to set my goals for this project.
As we understand from earlier research, the goal was to come up with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that felt friendly and welcoming. The typography and the color palette were chosen carefully to reflect those values.
The UI
As a final overview, the core pages I wanted to highlight are Splash, Sign in, and Profile.
Final Thoughts
At the beginning of June, I started on this journey of Product Design with Dribble as a complete beginner.
Through weekly sessions with my fellow students and mentor, many hours spent at the computer, and several coffee breaks, I learned important lessons of User research, User flows, wireframes, and how to completely design easy-to-use interfaces from top to bottom.
I look forward to designing more products!