step it out

**See the attached image for the full view.**

When Apple and Google both announced they would support the aggregation of fitness data we were excited about the opportunity to explore this new world.

Along the way we came up with an interesting concept to make tracking your steps a game. The idea was to chart a new path for each time you set out on a walk. Throughout the day we would set a few goals (i.e. 1500 steps) for you to achieve. The large dotted orb signifies a clock to help you know the time for each walk. At the bottom we would show you your step count and how close you were to getting that magical 10k steps that everyone talks about.

We went through many versions of this project and although we didn't ship this, we used our insight and applied it to our new fitness feature in Spire.

Maybe we will pick this back up one day and release it in the wild.

More by Michael Brooks Jr.

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