UBARU.ID is an app that provides tailoring services to make recycling our clothes more modern, to reduce clothing waste.
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Want to collaborate contact me:
Fiverr : https://www.fiverr.com/s/z2yYjK
Email :Â shabianarsyl@gmail.com
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Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shabianarsylyonanta/
Instagram :Â https://www.instagram.com/shabianarsyl/
Github :Â https://github.com/shabianay
Full Design :Â https://www.figma.com/file/fs6tvViAAMcIXPDGsKL5rX/LOMBA-SANGSANG?type=design&node id=413%3A1813&mode=design&t=WibG4QnFWYGvsAWV-1
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