Trash Management UI ♻️

Trash Management UI ♻️


This is my course project, namely Business Economics. Libas itself means Lingkungan Bersih Bebas Sampah. Libas was created based on complaints from users who feel the lack of waste management in their environment so that the environment becomes dirty, garbage piles up and causes unpleasant odors and decreases public health. Libas is here to solve this problem with the Pick Up feature, which is a feature where users can call an officer to pick up their trash according to a predetermined schedule, then the Hand Over feature, which is a feature where users can take their trash to the nearest landfill from their home, the third is the chat feature. where users can communicate with janitors in real time. And the most interesting thing is the points feature, here users can collect points to be exchanged for various attractive coupons. We hope that Libas can help users distribute their waste properly so that the user environment can be clean again

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Illustration: icons8.ouch

Icon: icons8

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