


Street H_2023.04_Vol.164

Born in the Polish Jewish community, bagels have developed into bagel sandwiches that are stacked according to individual tastes and are loved by people around the world as a reliable meal. The infographic contains the world of attractive bagel sandwiches with bagels, various toppings, and sauces


폴란드 유대인 사회에서 탄생한 베이글은 개인의 취향대로 쌓아먹는 베이글 샌드위치로 발전해 전세계인의 든든한 한 끼 식사로 사랑받고 있다. 베이글, 다양한 토핑, 소스가 한데 어우러진 매력적인 베이글 샌드위치의 세계를 인포그래픽에 담았다

Sung-Hwan Jang

Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, 'Yonhap News' Graphic News Team, <Weekly Dong-a>, <Science Dong-a> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <Street H>, which records the events around Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab 203 in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group Exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.




<Street H>, neighborhood magazine around Hongik University

This poster can be purchased at the following sites.

Price: 12,000(KRW)

Paper: Rendezvous 130g(500 X 700mm)

<Street H> Homepage

Naver Storefarm

이 포스터는 아래 사이트에서 구매할 수 있습니다.

가격: 12,000원

종이: 랑데뷰 130g(500 X 700mm)

<Street H> 홈페이지

Naver 스토어팜

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