RemBump Music Therapy App Rebrand
RempBump is an innovative music therapy app that caters specifically to those with dementia. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, the app generates customized playlists consisting of songs that were popular during the user's formative years (ages 15 to 25). This period of life is commonly known as the "Reminiscent Bump", when memories tend to be the strongest.
To create these personalized playlists, RempBump takes into account various factors such as the user's age, region, and background. This ensures that each user gets a bespoke selection of songs that resonate with them on a deep and personal level.
For the branding, we wanted to create an approachable and user-friendly system. The app features warm, calming colours and a clean, simple logo that visually merges music and therapy. Additionally, we chose a highly legible sans-serif font for easy reading and photography that is compassionate and approachable.
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