Lightforce Mobile-first

Mobile-first Lead Generation

With the majority of traffic flowing from social advertising channels, our mobile landing pages were a key to driving a great results. We priori-tied clarity and scalability as we showed why someone should both get solar panels as well as choose Lightforce to do it.

TikTok Recruitment Campaign

We were asked to build a recruitment campaign to reach out to young planet conscious electricians and what better way to engage with them than on tiktok. Leaning on the expertise of our Gen-Y tiktokers within Double, we created a series of ads that were a combination of on trend, future proofed and maximised watch-through.

The result? We had to turn off the campaign early because the HR team was overwhelmed with applicants. With a media spend of less than 2.5k, over 350 leads and a CPA of $6.71 it was fair to say the future’s looking bright for Lightforce.


Increase in qualified leads directly attributed to our ads.


Increase in website conversion‍ across web & landing pages.

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