
Hi everybody! Nice to meet you. All of you are awesome. I'm JR, an UI Designer from Dhaka.

At last I have gathered all the courages to spoil this awesome place with my debut shot. I was thinking how we can select / add multiple contacts to recent groups or just delete them without showing too many UI elements. Now, Elastatic selection menu can help. Because it's F̶a̶n̶t̶a̶s̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ Elastic.

Short Swipe to select, long swipe to bring the Elastatic bar.

I want to thank @Elza Safiullina for the invite. :) Now she has to endure my garbages.
Those character artworks are borrowed without permission from @Mike | Creative Mints. Thank you very much Mike for inspiring us all.

Extended Animation: