Everything: Are you Multipotentialite?


I read a book recently called "How to be everything" which inspires me a lot. It is for people as a Multipotentialite: someone with many interests and creative pursuits. This book provides guidance for us to design our life.

Followed by this book's structure and main points, I created mobile UI prototype called "Everything".

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Onboarding pages

For onboarding pages, there are 3 steps to get started to lanuch initial app.

  • Pick up your interests: For multipotentialite, designing career path is always based on own interests, hobbies and passion.

  • Rate your superpowers: There are five superpowers which belongs to multipotentialie: idea synthesis, rapid learning, adaptability, big-picture thinking, ralating and translating.

  • Choose work model: Chosoe one work model to dive deep.

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  • Planning: Speak out loud about your potential dream job options and business pursuits.

  • Work Model: Choose suitable work models to design your life. There are four work models: Group Hug approach, Slash approach, Einstein approach and Phoenix approach.

  • Roadmap: For Multipotentialie, life roadmap is not straight, our paths may look random or chaotic on paper, but they are often more practical than we think.

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Posted on Aug 30, 2023

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