Synchrodogs Site of the Day on Awwwards

What a day! Synchrodogs' new website has been honored with a Site of the Day and Developer recognitions on Awwwards.

It has been more than an ordinary project for us as we stand that more people should get to know these fine artists' works as they explore the inquiries about environmental awareness and learning through art, investigating the intricate connection between humans and nature and the emerging transformations of the earth due to their delicate inderdependence. They emphaseize the contrast between the natureal and man-made, actual and imaginary, using a multidisciplinary artistic method.

Live webste:

Design & Motion by @zhenyary

Development & Motion by @jasonbradleystudio

Fine Art & Photography by @synchrodogs_official

Zhenya Rynzhuk
Art Director/Partner at Synchronized

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