Steam - Redesign

Steam Redesign

Redesign of the famous PC game download platform STEAM as part of a blog article for the TKT Paris agency.

Find my full blog post here :

Steam ?

Created in 2003, Steam is a platform where you could buy and download video games online. According to SteamSpy, Steam's revenue is estimated to have been $4.3 billion in 2017. Steam would account for 18% of the total PC game economy, with an estimated catalog of more than 21,000 games referenced.

Role: UX designer, UI Designer, Research, DA

What was done:

- Research

- UX/UI design

- Interaction

- Motion design

What tools did we use?

- Figma

-After Effect

Hope you like, feedbacks are welcome.

Thanks for the support 🧡.

I'm open to new projects

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