Cognitive 3D VR Game Dev Analytics

Our mission was to create a video ad promoting a new service Cognitive 3D is providing for VR Game Developers. They wanted to show off their system's new Ul while also having a good flow from frame to frame.


We wanted to capture the same energy we possessed on the first video while ensuring the visuals were more polished for the brand as it matured in the VR space.


Some of the project challenges with this project were incorporating the client’s footage into the video and one upping ourselves in the last video we produced for them.


Implementing the client’s footage of the 3D Castle scene at first, we thought would be a challenge. However, after considering ways of transitioning from footage and UI we found a seamless way to integrate it into the piece.


See behind the scenes and more details about the project here:

Posted on Aug 28, 2023

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