A digital oil painting of a restaurant from the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, UK. I sent it to the restaurant, but they never replied 🥲
I would say this is my most detailed piece so far, and I took the longest over it. I really liked all the different things going on in the scene.
I started with this couple in the window. The windows had this condensation all over them which made everything inside sorta blurry. But I loved that despite this, you could make out the candle and bottle of wine on the table. I liked how this turned out. It feels like a blurry shot of a person.
Like I said, the windows were kinda blurry, but there were these layers of colour. I struggled with the reflections on the wet floor outside, but I think the general premise was there.
Right above the restaurant there was this stark contrast to an office space with those tube lights that give off a clinical light. The outside had this moody light, and I loved the challenge of the CCTV camera and the shadow that is cast.
Next door there was this abandoned unit with a huge glass window. I loved finding a way to make it look like glass with some opacity on the paint. The door was satisfying too. I was able to use a thinner brush, and the light made it look like a door quite quickly.